[AT] NH TS110 engine noise.

Cecil R Bearden crbearden at copper.net
Sat Sep 13 20:32:48 PDT 2014

Many times I have been told if you ask me what time is is I would 
probably tell you how to build a watch.....  I worked in the field of 
Dam Safety for the state of OK for 30 years and this included a lot of 
forensic engineering to really determine what happened during a storm, 
flood, or dam failure.  That  is why sometimes I look for the little 
things like dealer stickers, bracket imprints in the paint, tire wear or 
type, etc.  When I bought this tractor, I was in a hurry, this was the 
nicest tractor I had been in in years, it felt like it had more power 
than most I owned, and it was within the amount I had n the bank...  I 
paid too much for it but I got rid of that glorified pile of junk called 
a CIH JX85...

back to your original question....   if you will go go Google Earth or 
just google Lat 35.685633, Long -97.695958 you will note 2 homes at the 
north end of an 80 acre property 1/4 mile E-W and 1/2 mile N-S.  The 
earth has tilted some on its axis due to the amount of Iron on this 
property.    If you go NE across the intersection of Morgan & Ash or 
NW220 to another 160 acres, I rent that SW/4 of that section.  If you go 
1/4 mile South of that same intersection and across the road East I rent 
100 acres in that NW/4 of that section.   My wheat field is a clay soil 
that is either too wet or too dry to do anything with.  The places I 
rent are probably 10 times better than my place.  I don't think Dad ever 
looked at the soil when he bought this place....  I cut hay on these 
rental places, and cut hay on shares on 25 acres about 1/4 mile south of 
my south line, and another 40 acres 3/4 mile west and 1.5 miles South of 
my home...  I farm about 30 acres in wheat and sometimes  try to no-till 
wheat or a small grain on these rental places.  However No-till just 
does not give any pasture here...

If you go South about 50 miles to Lat 35.098959, long -97.903532, I own 
230 acres in 2 sections between the railroad and the N2980 road I think 
the road is called.  That land is a rolling loamy sand with 3 creeks and 
7 ponds.  That is the place I grew up on and took back from the renter 
this last fall.

I just drove over the ground with the 4 wheeler that  I ran the 8 ft 
roto tiller on and it was so mellow I have never seen the soil like 
that.  This incorporated the drilling fluids with the clay soil I have.  
It looks like it had been limed...   I think I will just roto-till the 
wheat field and plant it this year.  I got the 7030 Allis running and 
hopefully it will run the roto tiller to finish....  At 130 hp it won't 
have any load...Too bad I don't have a 1000 pto adapter for it and I 
would run the engine at 1/2 speed to roto till.....

Cecil in OKla

On 9/13/2014 9:28 AM, Herb Metz wrote:
> Cecil,
> Your good descriptions and reasonably detailed analyses are certainly
> appreciated by myself, and many others I am sure.   Also your huge variety
> of equipment, sometimes unusual equipment, makes for very interesting and
> informative reading.  Doesn't put any bread on your table, but has many of
> us reading all of your posts.
> I must ask; brief description of your farming operation; acres, crops,
> topography, etc.
> I almost made it to your farm approx eight years ago when Allis Chalmers
> G.O.O. show was at Pawnee, OK and we spent a couple days at sister in Tulsa
> and a day at cousin in n.w. OK City; at that time I had misconception that
> you were a couple hours n.w. of OK City.  Cousin passed away couple years
> ago.
> Herb(GA)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cecil R Bearden
> Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 8:44 AM
> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
> Subject: Re: [AT] NH TS110 engine noise.
> One of the British Farming Forum members suggested that the problem was
> the spring loaded clutch plate that drives the PTO and bolts onto the
> Flywheel.  The noise first started out as a loud rapid ratcheting like
> when you overload a notched slip clutch.  Thinking back, The TS110 was a
> very popular tractor for boom mowers by ODOT & their contractors.   The
> dealer stickers on this machine are from one of the major suppliers of
> these tractors and mowers.  It would have a bunch of hours on the PTO at
> all kinds of loads..  If I can get it out of the field today I may have
> some time and labor to try to diagnose somewhat so I can start finding
> parts.  I resurrected the old 7030 Allis yesterday.  Have to build steps
> so I can get into the cab with my bum leg.   Also need to make door open
> wider and get a smaller steering wheel so I an squeeze between wheel &
> cab post.  Now that the Allis is working I might be able to pull the 7
> shank Big OX but the duals are not on the tractor.  It also is setting
> at the right wheel spacing to pull the Semi mount plow.  If I could plow
> this and then roto-till the top 3 or 4 inches before sowing, it would be
> great.    That 8 ft roto toller makes a great seedbed.   There is a
> model on Ebay (where I bought mine) that has a seeder on the back.  I
> really wish that mine had one.  I have a 8 ft pasture drill that could
> be pulled behind this tiller, but it would leave wheel tracks.  The
> tracks would probably be on the previous drilled seed and I don't know
> if that might pack the ground too much.   It would be worth trying.   I
> just wish I had bought a 12 ft tiller now.....  They are slow, but one
> trip and you are done....

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