[AT] Allis 7030 running warm
charlie hill
charliehill at embarqmail.com
Thu Sep 25 04:29:15 PDT 2014
Cecil, is it possible that one of those heat gauges is showing oil
temperature? Does
the 7030 route oil through a cooling coil in the radiator? I don't have a
clue. Just
thinking it might be a possibility.
If the radiator caps are good it should be able to run 210 to 220 without
blowing out any
coolant and it should be ok running that hot.
The 7030 has the 426 ci engine in it and I think it's rated in the 7030 at
about 130 hp and about
110 drawbar hp. however, that same engine with the addition of an
intercooler in the 7080 is rated
above 200 hp. Allis Chalmers farmers had a habit of turning the screws on
the injector pumps
so yours might be turned up.
Here's a video of a 7045 and an 8070 working the same field. The 7045 has
the same engine as yours
just turned up a bit and the 8070 is the intercooled version of the same
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike 1countryguy
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2014 6:20 AM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group ; mike o
Subject: Re: [AT] Allis 7030 running warm
What depth are you running the offset? In compacted soil (oil well
equipment) the compaction is severe. Figure at lease 10 hp pr foot(16)=160
hp + in compacted soil and (what depth)> I think you are running the old
girl harder than you think. Just a NOT green tractor fan.
> Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 23:44:13 -0500
> From: crbearden at copper.net
> To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com
> Subject: Re: [AT] Allis 7030 running warm
> I pulled my 16 ft Cook Offset disk today, on the wheat field that had
> the drilling mud applied where their trucks ran it is extremely
> packed. The disk is doing a good job after running over 2 to 3 times.
> The 7030 had been sitting for 3 years. I checked all fluids and
> repaired the A/C belt problem. The PO had installed 2 heat gauges
> connected to the thermostat housing at the top. I assume there are 2
> thermostats there. I do not know which gauge goes to the left or right
> port.
> When running in 3rd gear Low pwr director, one gauge runs at 180 the
> other at 190. When running in 4 low, the gauges go to 200 & 220 and
> tend to move on up. I am running at 3/4 throttle, I do not have a
> working tach.
> I am going to blow out the radiator fins tomorrow morning and install a
> straight pipe to replace my muffler that blew out this afternoon. When
> running in 4th, the tractor does not appear to really be loaded, and
> smoke is about the same as when in 3 low. The power shift shifts good
> going up, but at 3/4 throttle coming down, it will sometimes nearly stop
> before engaging. At 1/2 throttle, it works fine. It seems to be
> getting better with use. I only put 2 hours on it getting the bugs
> worked out with the tractor and the disk.
> Anyone who has experience with the 7030 and could give me a few
> pointers, I would appreciate it. We used to pull this disk with a MF
> 1155 at rated 135 hp, and the 7030 seems to run circles around the MF.
> If I had time I would put the duals back on the 7030 just for a better
> ride....
> Cecil in OKla
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