[AT] [Bulk] OT: Lucky break and a very lucky break.

charlie hill charliehill at embarqmail.com
Wed Sep 3 07:28:14 PDT 2014

True it would probably have made me hurt myself.
I'm still glad I didn't accidentally touch it.
It had enough juice in it that I heard the compressor in the disconnected
AC unit try to start when I hooked the wire back to it.

I used to work (as a contractor) for a plant manager who was best described
as and A$$#@!!  He made everyone toe the line but took great pleasure in
jacking with folks all the time.  In his office he had one chair where folks 
needed to talk to him were obliged to sit.  In front of that chair on his 
in the exact spot where you would need to put your papers, hard hat or 
was a Diet Pepsi can.  The jerk had that can loaded with a capacitor with a 
switch in the bottom of it.  If you picked it up you got hit.  I was warned 
about it
and never touched it.  He stared at that can for years hoping I'd pick it 
He didn't like me and I didn't like him. I wasn't paying him off with little 
He hinted but I didn't bite.  I don't play that game.  Needless to say, if 
he had
any choice I didn't get the work.  When I did he rode me like a stolen mule.


-----Original Message----- 
From: Thomas O Mehrkam
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 7:13 AM
To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com
Subject: Re: [AT] [Bulk] OT: Lucky break and a very lucky break.

I am not so sure the shock would of hurt you that much.

Getting away from that *&^% Cap could have been painful.

Ever get across an anode of a Color TV picture tube.  I have ended up
with a bloody hand more times than I can count jerking my hand away.

Hell we use to charge box of electrostatics just to see who would
stumble on them.

On 9/2/2014 7:08 PM, charlie hill wrote:
> My air conditioning went out today.  I could tell by the way it was trying
> to start
> and failing that it was something to do with the start capacitor.  Well I
> just replaced
> that a few months ago so I was figuring I got a bad one.  I disconnected 
> the
> power,
> pulled the cover off and thought myself lucky to find that one of the wire
> connectors
> that fastened a wire to the capacitor had corroded and burned into.  No
> problem, I can
> fix that.  I grounded out the capacitor for safety reasons,  pulled the 
> old
> connector off
> the lug, put a new connector on the cleaned up wire and stuck it back on 
> the
> capacitor.
> What's this ..... a big spark.  Turns out I had not grounded out the
> capacitor.  I attempted
> to but apparently my screw driver didn't find a good ground when I did it.
> That's what I mean by a very lucky break.  I could have been badly shocked
> and maybe even
> injured.  Just by fate I didn't hit the lug on the capacitor with my hand 
> in
> the process.
> Well, not exactly luck because I'm always careful around electricity but I
> could have accidentally
> hit it.
> Just a reminder to myself and everyone else to be careful and check twice.
> Yes the AC fired off and runs fine now.  Cost me about a dime.
> Wonder what that would have cost me if I'd called the service rep?
> Charlie
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