[AT] LED lights
rlgoss at twc.com
rlgoss at twc.com
Sun Nov 9 17:21:44 PST 2014
If you want another example, Steve, think of exit lights in buildings used by the public. Yes, there are low-wattage units that can be retrofit into old installations, but the easy and less costly way to convert is through CFL or LED. Those can cost less than $15 per fixture, and they screw directly into the existing incandescent socket. If you ride herd on your utility bills, you will find that you amortize the entire cost of the conversion by the energy savings alone in about 2 months time. Bulb life on CFL's in that application is around 7 or 8 years. LED's last much longer, but incandescent's run too hot in the enclosed space and bulb life is just a matter of a couple of months.
---- Steve Offiler <soffiler at gmail.com> wrote:
> Define "better".
> Both CFL and LED are far more efficient than Incan and pay for themselves in fairly short order in smaller electric bills. That could be one definition of better.
> But people are pretty stupid. Large swaths of Americans will not or cannot do that math. They are reduced to a short-term decision between a 99-cent Incan and a $10 CFL, and take the Incan every time.
> My favorite example of the need for government intervention is catalytic converters. The free market would NEVER have done that.
> No, I am absolutely not a Democrat. But I'm not stupid either. I know that some government is necessary just like "good fences make good neighbors"
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Nov 9, 2014, at 10:09 AM, "charlie hill" <charliehill at embarqmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > That's fine Steve but my point is that we don't need the government
> > telling us what to use. Let the free market handle that. If the CFL's and
> > LED's are better the incandescent bulb will die of natural causes.
> >
> > Charlie
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Steve W.
> > Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2014 12:24 AM
> > To: Antique tractor email discussion group
> > Subject: Re: [AT] LED lights
> >
> > charlie hill wrote:
> >> I refuse to use the CFL bulbs but would have no problem with the LED's and
> >> will switch to them
> >> as needed. However, I do have one question. When all of the incandescent
> >> bulbs are gone what
> >> are we going to use to keep chicks warm in the brooder, dogs warm in the
> >> dog
> >> house on cold nights
> >> and the water pump from freezing up? Electric resistance heaters???????
> >>
> >> Charlie
> >
> > Special purpose incandescents will still be around.
> >
> > --
> > Steve W.
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