[AT] Clamp-on Bucket Hitch

Ralph Goff alfg at sasktel.net
Fri Nov 7 07:03:51 PST 2014

On 11/7/2014 8:29 AM, Dick Day wrote:
> I actually tried mounting the ball on the lip of the bucket.  The
> problem is that, at least for me. I couldn't see the ball.  Maybe
> someone taller, sitting higher in the seat, would not have that
> problem.
> In any case, I like my gizmo :)
I've never heard of infocus but certainly know Princess Auto. It looks 
like a good idea and something I could use when parking stuff in my 
sheds. It also looks simple enough that the average farmer with a welder 
and some scrap iron could come up with something similar. Another one of 
those good ideas that I will probably never get around to doing though.

Ralph in Sask.

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