[AT] Cleaning shop

Dennis Johnson moscowengnr at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 11 10:36:12 PDT 2014


I also have problem getting shop clean. Have a 6 car toy shed, and in process of trying to build 12 x 24 office on the side of it.  Build is going slow due to many other projects and part time jobs. Being "retired" has not freed up a lot of time, but the part time jobs keep extra $$$ coming in for toys and projects.
Hopefully I can find time to frame in the addition in next few months. This will free up a little space on the shop portion and give me some more working space.
Also need to build a small fence so I can move a tractor or two outside and keep them shielded from neighbors. Just one more project waiting in line.
Also have framework started for 8 car toy shed on Oklahoma, but not getting much progress in finishing it either. 


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