[AT] My Daughter

John Slavin chaunceyjb at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jun 4 10:51:42 PDT 2014


Just saw the news.  I'm so sorry.  I have no words.  Let me include the poem that was written for my father's death by a federal judge, E. Richard Webber.  I've posted this before, but not for many years.  It gives me comfort when I read it from time to time, maybe it will you too.

                         A Tribute 

What was this journey just complete 
        So swiftly passed this day? 
What did I give, what came to me; 
        What does it matter that the course I stayed. 
The majesty of nature was my call; 
        It held me in its grasp. 
I daily wondered at new birth 
        And agonized at death. 
My year began each spring, 
        With the robins' voice so sweet, 
The smell of soil, the drops of sweat, 
        The furrows I'd repeat. 
The summer tried my metal, 
        With its drought, its floods, its heat; 
The fall brought forth the harvest, 
        With its abundance we'd await. 
The livestock took our winters, 
        As we kept it in our care; 
We fed, we watched, we wept, we laughed; 
        We loved each one so dear. 
I might had trod a different path, 
        With prizes great and grand; 
Have dined with kings, possessed many things, 
        Have lived in many lands. 
If all the world were mine to have 
        With treasures without end; 
I'd choose, just now, the gifts you gave, 
        Of family and of friends. 
For all these years I have 
        Sought to know why things be so;
Why some are strong, others weak, 
        Why some are weighted so. 
I know not why so richly blessed 
        You made this man to be. 
I can but wonder why you chose 
        To let me walk with thee. 

                       E. Richard Webber

Kindest Regards,
John Slavin

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