[AT] Fwd: Re: news
Mattias Kessén
davidbrown950 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 26 12:30:21 PDT 2014
That's so sad but a very fine message from a fine man.
Sorry about your wife, you have my sincere condolences. My fathers wife
died at that age six years ago. There isn't one day without him thinking of
Typed with large fingers on a small screen
Den 26 jul 2014 21:03 skrev "R Fink Sr" <rfinksr at verizon.net>:
> This is the last mail I got from Mike I don,t think he would mind me
> sending it on
> Thanks every one for kind words
> R Fink
> PA
> ----------Original Message----------
> From: Mike
> Date: Jun 26, 2014 12:50:45 PM
> Subject: Re: news
> To: rfinksr at verizon.net
> Oh, I am so terribly sorry to hear that news. I really cannot
> comprehend
> something so sad, and I don't know that that there words that can
> possibly said that make things any better. I can only pray that you can
> get through this terrible time in your life and move forward as best
> you
> can.
> If there was anything more I could do to help, I would, but I am
> certainly not the one - my brain tumor is "stable", but all that means
> is that I am getting by day to day with little in the way of change. I
> can read, write, and do day-to-day stuff, but little more. Supposedly,
> they are going to do some treatment in the next week or so, and maybe
> something better. But until the, I am "on hold".
> On the other hand, if you are up to correspondence, I am still pretty
> good at that, and I offer you something that has been very important to
> me during difficult times - an open heart and willingness to listen
> without making judgment.
> If this message is a little goofy, I hope you understand - it is partly
> the medications I am on.
> All my Best wishes,
> Mike
> On 6/26/2014 1:51 PM, R Fink Sr wrote:
> > Hi Mike do not know if you use computer any more. [[And how are you
> dong]]
> > Had a bad turn here first of the week my wife of 44 years died was
> only 64.
> > R Fink
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