[AT] test Now cold and tractor cabs
Cecil R Bearden
crbearden at copper.net
Sun Feb 9 19:46:15 PST 2014
I was already a member of the forum, I forgot. I posted a question and
got 2 replies already. Too bad it is so $#@%^&&* cold here I can't go
over and look at the tractor. 23deg, Nwind at 12mph 92% humidity, and
200ft ceiling. Wind feels like it is coming off ice. Snow and freezing
predicted for tonight/tomorrow.
Cecil in OKla
On 2/9/2014 8:57 PM, charlie hill wrote:
> Ok I understand that. I know some crop insurance farmers around here too.
> Go to Allischalmers.com. Sign up for the forum, it's free and no spam from
> it.
> Then go to the discussion page for tractors. I forget what it's called.
> There are
> some real pros there. A guy there that calls him self Dr. Allis is sharp as
> a tack.
> He's a little bit short with folks but he's generally right on the money
> with his answers.
> There are others as well that really know the product line. They can also
> help you
> with sources for parts.
> Charlie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cecil R Bearden
> Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2014 9:18 PM
> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
> Subject: Re: [AT] test Now cold and tractor cabs
> Charlie:
> This county has some farmland in the river bottom that can raise corn.
> The average is over 125 bu/acre on that acreage. That puts the county
> average for disaster payments high. In my area, they are farming the
> disaster program. I don't think they ever intended to harvest it. If
> we get rains, then the corn is 6 ft tall by june 15, then shriveled up
> by July 4.
> I will try Allis Chalmers.com
> Cecil in OKla
> On 2/9/2014 7:31 AM, R Fink wrote:
> Charlie this getting old is real fun [yes]
> R Fink
> PA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com
> [mailto:at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com] On Behalf Of charlie hill
> Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2014 7:54 AM
> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
> Subject: Re: [AT] test Now cold and tractor cabs
> If you've still got that Allis I can pretty well assure you that there is
> someone over on AllisChalmers.com that can tell you how to fix it.
> There are folks over there that are retired AC dealers and mechanics and
> a few folks that still work on them plus a bunch of owners that farm with
> them.
> Wow, corn seed is awfully expensive to keep putting it in the ground
> with no return! I'm not at all familiar with your climate or soils. You
> wouldn't think OK was much different climate wise from NC and Virginia
> based on the latitude but obviously it is much drier and harsher.
> Sorry you are having so much problem with your back. I wish I could say
> I have no experience with that but I'm headed down that same road. So
> far my back is holding up ok but my knees and legs are starting to go down
> hill.
> Charlie On 2/9/2014 7:32 PM, Ivan wrote:
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