[AT] McCormick plow

Ron Cook ron at lakeport-1.com
Tue Aug 19 08:42:54 PDT 2014

Same here, Herb.  We had several types of soil being in the Missouri 
River bottom.  Some leaned toward sandy and would quickly shine things 
up and wear things out.

This plow I have come by has already had the weld/stellite treatment in 
the past.  Several times, from the looks of it.  Nowhere left on it to weld.

Ron Cook
Salix, IA
On 8/19/2014 10:03 AM, Herb Metz wrote:
> South half of our farm was sandy, north half was darker dirt. Sandy is
> abrasive; I got pretty good (with just a stick welder) filling in areas of
> moldboard or shear (or share?) as soon as wear was evident.  Couldn't do the
> front cutting edges. Neighbor with acetylene welder would flow a couple
> heavy beads of stellite on new cutting edges; sure improved life expectancy.
> Grindstone top off any welding in direction of soil movement. Can't see good
> enough today to even think of doing the above.  Herb

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