[AT] narrow vs. wide front tractors

Dean Vinson dean at vinsonfarm.net
Tue Apr 8 15:37:26 PDT 2014

Chuck, thanks for that link to your story.  It's been a mighty long time
since I browsed your website, and returning for a new visit was a pleasure. 

For members of the list in general, I recommend strolling through some more
of Chuck's stories at http://web2.airmail.net/bealke/pastfarmlife.htm.
It'll be worth your while.

Dean Vinson
Saint Paris, Ohio

-----Original Message-----
From: at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com
[mailto:at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com] On Behalf Of Chuck Bealke
Sent: Tuesday, April 8, 2014 5:59 PM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: Re: [AT] narrow vs. wide front tractors


The 'fessin up by Dean Vinson and others sparked by this subject makes me
thank the Creator again that I somehow survived the wondrous teen years with
all body parts.  After the usual close calls with hillsides, chain saws and
sickle mowers, etc., what I'm reminded of is now is putting others at risk.
When I was twelve or thirteen, I was able to befoul the undergarments of two
others beside my own by simply driving a hay wagon with two guys on top down
a hill (described between the blue lines here:
http://web2.airmail.net/bealke/xourroad.htm ). First I had driven a Ford 8N,
having been accustomed to heavier Farmall Hs and Ms.

Then again we had quick reflexes at that age to save us. Woke up from a
sleep one time and jerked a steering wheel to the right in milliseconds to
save reputation, credibility and family car. Not long after I got my
driver's license had almost made it home in the wee hours of the morning
after a day's farm work and a Saturday night's romancing while trying
desperately to stay awake.  The state highway for the last part of the 16
miles had a curved up lip on the side that had shaken me awake a few times.
There was NO traffic at that time of night, and I had windows down, radio
blaring and teen wisdom to help - until I sort of failed to complete a right
turn after a stop sign. Woke up with the car bouncing left side down in the
drainage ditch of the opposing lane and a heavy duty post holding a highway
sign heading right for the car. Adrenaline is FAST.

Chuck Bealke
AT mailing list

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