[AT] On Topic: to be or not to be

Dave Rotigel rotigel at me.com
Fri May 31 18:40:04 PDT 2013

Good on you Tyler! Particularly the part where you said that you don't offend easily! I sure wish that I could attend a show with you someday. You sound like a young man from whom I could learn MUCH!
PS, What is the year/model of your John Deere?
PPS, How in the heck do you navigate when driving the JD? Do you have someone who yells, "No, damnit, the OTHER left" from time to time? (Thats what my wife used to yell at me in the "blind tractor" event years ago!)

On May 31, 2013, at 6:11 PM, Tyler Juranek wrote:

> Hi all.
> I don't post on here much, but I verry much enjoy reading all of the
> posts on here.
> Currently I am a highschool student, soon to be a Jr actually.
> As crazy as it seems I am visually impaired, and can't see a thing at
> all. I raise cattle, drive two cylinder John Deeres, etc. I do not let
> the visual impairment stop me from doing what I want.
> It takes a lot to afend me, so post away! I love gaining new knoledge
> about tractors old and new.
> Regards,
> Tyler Juranek

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