[AT] John Deere 4200 compact tractor power steering Alert

Alan Nadeau ajnadeau1 at myfairpoint.net
Fri May 31 18:01:19 PDT 2013

" Alan, I would suspect that someone broke the seal on the tractor that's
 being discussed here, and didn't bother reassembling it correctly. The
 description of a strictly hydraulic steering system is pretty typical of
 modern compact tractors."

It's pretty to tell if it has been opened up with a fair degree of 
certainty.  The original weld was most likely done robotically.  There 
should only be one obvious overlap where the weld was started and finished. 
If it has been repaired it was probably rewelded by hand and in several 
steps, with the cylinder turned for each step.  That would show several 
start and stop points as well as less uniformity of the weld all the way 

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