[AT] On Topic: to be or not to be
charlie hill
charliehill at embarqmail.com
Thu May 30 06:19:13 PDT 2013
Good to hear from you again Greg.
I try not to but I'm sure I've offended folks here from time to time.
Hey, there are only so many Cecil Monson's in the world (actually he was one
of a kind)
and I'm not one of them but nothing I say on this list is personal so if I
happen to offend you just let it roll off like water on a ducks back and
I'll do the same in
return. I think you'll find most folks here are the same.
-----Original Message-----
From: Charlie V
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 8:58 AM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: Re: [AT] On Topic: to be or not to be
Hi Greg,
I remember your name. Over time I have known a couple of other folks named
Hess, not to mention the oil company with the toy trucks, so that makes
remembering easy.
I know the situation of which you speak. It seems every list has a lurker
or two who rarely contribute anything useful, but are always willing to
nay-say another post. It sure can take the fun out of participating. It
helps if one can develop thick skin.
I try to keep in mind an old and wise saying:
"The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong is to let him have his
own way."
Charlie V.
On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 11:55 PM, Greg Hass <ghass at m3isp.com> wrote:
> I have been a lurker on this list for many years. At one time, I made
> frequent posts, until I got caught up in that Walt thing. After many
> nasty remarks from him I quit posting for a year or so. After things
> calmed down I decided to try posting again. The very first post I sent
> Walt came down on me with both feet, including a nasty note sent
> directly to my E-mail. I again quit posting, as I don't need that kind
> of aggravation in my life. After a time Walt was kicked off this list,
> so I tried again. First post I got blasted off the earth by someone and
> two of his buddies chimed in to say anyone who knows this guy knows he
> is usually right. I exited the list again and have been just a reader
> for several years. About a month after I quit posting, I was thinking
> about it, and realized I had replied to a post from the Farmall list,
> and that the bad reply came from one off their most respected members.
> The thing that burned me was this was his first reply to the list in
> almost two months. I have not replied to any list since, which has been
> several years.
> I have missed posting to the list, and have probably been upset with
> the wrong list; however Walt was on this list. For the last quite a
> while, the list has been quite civil; however there was a fairly long
> stretch when there were people who seemed to like to find something
> wrong with many people's replies and seemed happy to point out to them
> they were wrong. Myself, I don't really think there are any wrong
> replies, just different ways of doing things. I also like to think the
> people of this list are smart enough to know what will work for them and
> what won't. I also feel that people can decide for themselves what is
> safe and what isn't . I have always felt that I know a little about a
> lot of things but not a lot about any one thing. At this point I guess
> my question is, should I start posting again? I don't want to sound
> critical about this list, because it is the first thing I look at each
> day, however I would like to feel that if I do post again it would be
> taken at face value as just an opinion and not dissected to see if every
> word I said was correct or if statement I make is 100% correct. I hope
> I'm not sounding too fussy, but would like to be accepted as one of the
> gang such as Farmer was; boy, how I miss his posts. So what do you think
> gang; shall I rejoin the living or not?
> Greg
> Hass, in the thumb of Michigan
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