[AT] Buying a special tractor
Joe Hazewinkel
jahaze at aol.com
Fri May 24 05:13:56 PDT 2013
Someone posted on Facebook today that the auction estimate is between $15-$30,000. Close enough to be doable on the low end, too much on the high end.
I'm going to the sale one way or another. If I can't buy it, at least I will be able to see one in person and take some pictures.
If I get real serious, I could sell a couple of my other tractors to build up a tractor fund, that would make my wife happy, but it wouldn't be as fun. I probably have $30,000 just in scrap value with all the rusty iron I have around home.
With all this talk, I haven't asked if anyone else was considering going to the sale?
Enjoy, Joe
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On May 24, 2013, at 7:33 AM, Doug Tallman <dtallman at accnorwalk.com> wrote:
> Joe, my thought was to see if a local historical society had the funds
> to acquire it. You could volunteer to restore and show the tractor. Not
> quite the same as owning it yourself but still get to play with it. Doug T
> Joe Hazewinkel wrote:
>> I have a feeling you are right Jim. If they loose out on the $150,000 oil pull, they will buy the $50,000 Fitch instead. I can't run in those circles. Either way, it looks like a road trip to see a collection that will probably never be seen again. I'm starting to get real excited about just going.
>> Enjoy, Joe
>> Sent from my iPhone just for you
>> On May 23, 2013, at 10:07 PM, Jim & Lyn Evans <jevans at evanstoys.com> wrote:
>>> I think every collector with deep pockets in the world will be at that
>>> auction. I wish you the best of luck, but I think a lot of the big
>>> collectors have already purchased the common, desirable tractors and are
>>> now after the extremely rare ones.
>>> On 5/23/2013 5:51 AM, Joe Hazewinkel wrote:
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