[AT] gas problems--off topic now do to missinformation
Dave Rotigel
rotigel at me.com
Fri May 10 18:51:46 PDT 2013
Drill Baby, DRILL!
PS, End the welfare payments to BOTH oil and the farmers!
On May 10, 2013, at 9:24 PM, Jim & Lyn Evans wrote:
> Where do you get your information? Subsidies on corn ethanol ended on
> Jan 1, 2012. Meanwhile, we subsidize big oil 10 billion to 52 billion
> dollars per year! http://priceofoil.org/fossil-fuel-subsidies/
> Even when fully subsidized in 2011, the ethanol industry only received
> around 6 billion dollars per year, a small fraction of what we give the
> oil companies.
> Here is just the information for Exxon: (from
> http://thinkprogress.org/tag/oil-subsidies/?mobile=nc)
> ,Exxon is exempt from paying taxes
> <http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2013/04/02/1810571/exxons-duck-killing-pipeline-doesnt-pay-taxes-to-oil-spill-cleanup-fund/>toward
> the oil spill liability fund that helps clean up spills like in
> Arkansas, where wildlife have been killed and covered by oil. The 1980
> law exemption applies to diluted bitumen so companies escape paying the
> 8-cents-per-barrel fee to the fund that helps clean up hundreds of
> spills each year. At the federal level, Exxon's tax rate comes to only
> 13 percent.
> Here is how else Exxon spends its dollars, and what it receives in return:
> -- Exxon spent $12,970,000 on lobbying in 2012 to protect low tax
> rates and block pollution controls and safeguards for public health.
> In the first three months of 2013, Exxon spent$4.84 million lobbying
> <http://disclosures.house.gov/ld/ldxmlrelease/2013/Q1/300563423.xml>.
> -- The company sent$3.6 million
> <http://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/summary.php?id=D000000129>in total
> political contributions to PACs, candidates, and outside groups for
> the 2012 election cycle, and 89 percent of contributions went to
> Republicans. It has spentover $76,000
> <http://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/totals.php?id=D000000129&cycle=2012>for
> the 2014 cycle so far.
> -- Exxon receives an estimated$600 million in annual federal tax
> breaks
> <http://www.americanprogressaction.org/issues/green/report/2012/07/26/11880/romney-tax-plan-many-happy-returns-for-big-oil/#.UIf368y0-SA.email>.
> In 2011, Exxon paid just 13 percent in taxes. The company paid no
> federal income tax in 2009, despite $45.2 billion record profits.
> -- In the first quarter, Exxon bought back$5.6 billion of its stock
> <http://www.exxonmobil.com/Corporate/Files/news_release_earnings_1q13.pdf>,
> or 59 percent of its profit, which enriches the largest shareholders
> and executives of the company.
> -- This year, Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson received a15 percent raise
> <http://www.dallasnews.com/business/headlines/20130412-exxon-mobil-ceo-rex-tillerson-gets-15-percent-raise-to-40.3-million.ece>to
> a $40.3 million salary.
> As for the energy imbalance, for years, ethanol is a net gain, and it
> gets better each year:
> https://www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm/articles/hof/HofJuly07.html
> Since 2001:
> a. Natural gas energy required to produce a
> gallon of ethanol has fallen 28%.
> b. Electricity use is down 32%.
> c. The amount of ethanol produced per bushel
> of corn has increased to 2.8 gallons, up more
> than 5%.
> d. Water use has fallen to 2.7 gallons per gallon
> of ethanol, down 47% since 2001 and comparable to water use for gasoline
> production.
> 11. Ethanol's energy balance is continually improving:
> 1 unit of energy invested in making ethanol
> yields up to 2.3 units of energy available for
> the consumer.
> On 5/7/2013 9:48 PM, charlie hill wrote:
>> Ed, I know I'm wasting my time but I'm going to say it anyway.
>> It takes more BTU's of fossil fuel to create a gallon of ethanol than the
>> ethanol produces. Also, recent data from the US Government state
>> that the US among the largest reserves of oil, gas and coal of any country
>> on the planet and more than enough to sustain our economy well into the next
>> century. National Security my ass. Our deal leader just won't let us drill
>> for what we have here.
>> You'll get no argument from me about sugar, dairy and beef. In fact the
>> largest part of
>> USDA budget by far is Food Stamps. The current administration has turned
>> the USDA
>> into a second department of health and human services. A big welfare
>> program. That does
>> not change the fact that the biggest lobby pushing ethanol subsidies is the
>> farm lobby.
>> I'm not against ethanol. I'm against using natural gas and oil to make
>> ethanol out of corn
>> in order to keep the price of corn up. Ethanol can NOT survive in the
>> market as a fuel without a federal
>> subsidy.
>> Find a way to make ethanol from switch grass or wood chips or algae or
>> whatever and fuel the process
>> with waste heat from other manufacturing operations and you'll get no
>> argument from me but as long
>> as you are burning oil from third world countries to make ethanol with the
>> net effect of using more fuel
>> and raising the price of fuel and commodities for everyone I'm against it.
>> For the record I own a farm
>> and was raised on the farm and have been directly involved in or dependent
>> on agriculture for 62 years
>> and 8 months.
>> You are right. Some peoples opinions are based on misinformation. those
>> would be YOURS.
>> Charlie
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Edchainsaw at aol.com
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2013 10:04 PM
>> To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com
>> Subject: Re: [AT] gas problems--off topic now do to missinformation
>> we have used ethanol since the beginning as well no problems here.. over
>> 35yrs.
>> we had problems with the lead addatives they separated in fuel and caked.
>> maybe that's you guys problems? I know lots of suppliers still add that
>> junk!
>> as for ethanol beeing just a BIG AG deal NO! its not.. its a US
>> SECURITY ISSUE! we get how much of our oil from the middle east? and
>> did
>> you know Brazil gets most of its fuel from Ethanol!
>> I take very much acception to the comments of uneducated people on the
>> topic of farm profitability and the ag budgets ... especially the
>> OFF THE GOVERNMENT TROUGH" you people do not even know half.
>> the Farm partion of the Ag budget costs each person in the USA $1. there
>> are so many things in the ag budget NOT farm related its horrific.
>> did you sugar, cotton, and yes Beef and Dairy are all parts of the FARM
>> portion.
>> some peoples optinions are based on missinformation
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