[AT] Box blade

Dennis Johnson moscowengnr at yahoo.com
Sun May 12 14:27:22 PDT 2013

I have done some dirt movement with a Case 444 and a box blade and front blade. I also made an angle blade that either fits front or rear, also a single chisel tooth, and a spring tooth. These can move dirt as well sandstone rocks 4 ft diameter and 1 ft thick. Process is slow, but great therapy after day or week at office.
I recently did some dirt leveling with a 15 HP Bolens that has a 5 ft angle blade because my Case attachments are in Okla and that was a Texas project. On this loosened dirt with rototiller to help start 

A few things I have learned:
Tractor traction determines how much you can move, and chains help
Downforce partially determines what you can dig. Adding weight to blade helps 
Scarfers or a chisel or similar help loosen dirt so you can move it, and also can dislodge rocks in the way
Using a 3 point on tractor without a FLOAT position is a pain.   Pushing blade down where rear tires loose traction limits work. My JD 318 is old and does not have float feature which severely limits blade use

The real issue is how fast you need project done. If you have time and need therapeutic time, small equipment doing a little each run is fine. If you need it done quick, then you need to get larger or better suited equipment to do the job.


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