[AT] Gas problem
Will Powell
william.neff.powell at comcast.net
Mon May 6 09:01:24 PDT 2013
I'm sick of this ethanol gas.. Besides my obsession with tractors I also have a problem with motorcycles, about 25 of them now, most of them projects... I'm going through every one of them now, draining all the fuel from the tanks and carbs. Fogging the tanks with wd40. Also, the tractors and all the small engines on rototillers, trimmers, generators.... I'm going to try to get some aviation gas, I understand that it never varnishes. Looked on-line for non-ethanol providers in my area but can't see any.
Does the stabil work? There is also a blue chemical that I use. I haven't done a scientific study to be sure the stuff works.
I like my diesel bulldozer, I've never had a fuel issue with it...
----- Original Message -----
From: "charlie hill" <charliehill at embarqmail.com>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Monday, May 6, 2013 11:40:47 AM
Subject: Re: [AT] Gas problem
The manual for my new Predator engine says it can use up to 10% ethanol but
I'm not planning to take a chance on that unless I have to in a pinch.
One thing that will help is to shut the fuel off and run the carb dry after
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 11:11 AM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: Re: [AT] Gas problem
I've recently started adding Stabil ethanol treatment to my gas for all
my small engines. Says it's supposed to take care of it, time will tell.
Mike M
On 5/6/2013 10:56 AM, Ron Cook wrote:
> Charlie,
> You are about 85% correct. The trouble is really government in
> agriculture.
> I am not going to say where I think the current Sec of AG should
> be!! I am just glad he is not my Governor.I
> By the way, I have been using ethanol fuel since it came available
> at my local station. 1977 or 78. Zero problems with the exception of
> the little fuel pump diaphragms in B&S carburetors. I do not let it sit
> in a piece of unused equipment, though. I use av-gas for that. Of
> course, my flying background is the reason for that.:-) Oxygenated fuels
> were mandated by the govmt. Started on the west coast and the original
> additive was a carcinogenic, I believe.
> Subsidies are the culprit. Market should control price and
> availability for the most part.
> Now back to the regular programming.
> Ron Cook
> Salix, IA
> On 5/6/2013 9:00 AM, charlie hill wrote:
>> It's not often that you'll hear me speak ill of farmers but the
>> ethanol fuel problem is driven by big AG and mid west corn farmers.
>> Those boys love feeding at Uncle Sam's trough and don't think they
>> can make a living growing corn for food or feed. Take note that every
>> recent Secretary of Agriculture (from either party) is from the mid west.
>> I'm able to get ethanol free about 1 mile from my home for about $3.89 a
>> gallon.
>> That store also has fuel on the water for boat traffic and he has ethanol
>> free there.
>> He is a Shell retailer but can't buy non ethanol from them. He has to
>> buy
>> it from a
>> local independent jobber and put it in separate tanks at his boat dock.
>> There are a couple of other gas stations in the area that have it on the
>> automobile islands.
>> I think they all use BP products.
>> Charlie
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