[AT] Gas problem

Herb Metz metz-h.b at comcast.net
Mon May 6 06:43:06 PDT 2013

Richard & Others,
Yes, a gasoline problem.  I have spent hours recently with small gas engine 
service/repair men; replacing carb is their normal solution.  If you must 
continue using the existing carb, you may have to completely disassemble and 
carefully clean each item more than once.
I am fortunate in that we have a small independent gas station close by that 
also offers 90 octane, ethanol-free gasoline at fifty cents/gallon more than 
todays regular (with 10% ethanol).  We now use this in all small engines, 
and plan using it in show tractors (don't want to be in a parade, etc and 
the engine starts acting up), and may add some to working tractors in late 
Last week saw an article where the ethanol producers have sent a proposal to 
congress recommending the 10% useage rate be increased to 15%.   We need a 
couple dozen congressmen who mow their own yards; maybe then they would 
become sensitive to the situation.   We, as individuals, complain about this 
situation but few, if any, have corresponded with congress.

-----Original Message----- 
From: Richard Fink Sr
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 7:32 AM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: [AT] Gas problem

Hi all i have in last few days tried starting a tractor that sit for over a 
year. Problem good spark so went to gas nothing at carb. cleaned sediment 
bowl, no gas removed sediment bowl from tank. screen and passage way plugged 
solid wit what papers whit stuff. what is this, from moon shine in gas. Have 
it running some what now but may need to remove carb and clean it. Anything 
i can run through it that will dissolve this stuff. just put on new sediment 
bowl unit.
R Fink

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