[AT] Summer is here
Gene Dotson
gdotsly at watchtv.net
Fri Mar 15 15:25:08 PDT 2013
As a child and teen ager, we always had geese on the farm to weed the
soybeans. All other times they were in the cow pasture just across the fence
from the yard. One old gander would peck anything he could reach through the
fence. One day the dog got pecked on the nose by him. The dog knew the
quickest way through the fence and in a minute had the gander down, giving
him a good workover. Didn't do any permanent damage to the gander, but he
kept his distance from the fence after that.
Something meaner than a gander is a tom turkey. Amish I have delivered
to had a tom that seemed to hate the color red. I would be wearing a red
sweatshirt and he would come after me every time. If I wasn't wearing red,
he kept his distance. Usually just make a quick move toward him and he would
back down.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Charlie V" <1cdevill at gmail.com>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] Summer is here
> My posts never arrive in my mailbox from the list, even though I have
> the choices set to do so. Strangely, no acknowledgement came back on
> the last post either, as they usually do.
> We used to have a white Chinese gander that was meaner than a rattle
> snake. I knew how to deal with him, but no one else wanted to. I
> knew he would always attack and try to grab with his bill and beat me
> with his wings. As soon as he was within reach I always grabbed his
> neck right behind the head, then wrapped my arm around him to hold his
> wings down, and picked him up, still maintaining my holds. That would
> make him really mad, but there was nothing he could do about it except
> the to try to kick with his feet. I was stronger, so he lost.
> Eventually we traded him off for a calm old Toulouse gander.
> Charlie V.
> On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 2:42 PM, charlie hill
> <charliehill at embarqmail.com> wrote:
>> Ralph this Charlie always enjoys seeing Old Roosty as
>> I'm sure Charlie V does as well. It's not a proper Ralph
>> video without him. I think about the only thing worse
>> than an attack rooster (I assume Roosty was one) is
>> an attack Goose!
>> Charlie Hill
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Ralph Goff
>> Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 2:13 PM
>> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
>> Subject: Re: [AT] Summer is here
>> On 3/15/2013 10:20 AM, Ron Cook wrote:
>>> Charlie,
>>> I have been thinking the rooster was involved in that same wreck
>>> the aflac duck got into and got wiped plumb out. But it does look like
>>> he came out okay. Ralph's videos just have to have that rooster to make
>>> them official.:-)
>>> Ron Cook
>> I never know if I am seeing all the replies here. Ron, yours came in but
>> I saw nothing from Charlie until it showed up in your reply.
>> Yes, I wondered sometimes if people were tired of hearing old Roosty
>> crow but still throw him in once in a while just for a change. Still
>> planning to make the video of the life and times of the original Roosty
>> one of these days. He was an actual living character on this farm for
>> years and inspired admiration and/or fear in all who knew him. :-)
>> Ralph in Sask.
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