[AT] Using the JD Plow

The Allen Family steveallen855 at centurytel.net
Fri Jul 12 09:49:27 PDT 2013

Last week, I noted I had picked up a JD #4B Plow. 
   Thanks to Dean VP, who jogged my memory, I now have access to a manual. 

But now I have to figure out how to use the durn thing.  I took two 
trial passes with it yesterday evening behind my '48 A.  I would have 
played more, but the A was acting up, and I had to limp home and put it 
to bed when I ran out of daylight. 

Anyway, on my two passes, the thing plowed well for maybe 25 or 30 
feet, but then the soil and the grass (the field was recently brush 
hogged but has never--at least not in the last 40 years--been plowed) 
began to bunch up between the moldboards, the colters, and the beams.  
When it was all clogged up, the plow naturally stopped turning dirt and 
essentially rode on top of the sod. 

I tried differing adjustments on the lifts, but only two passes was 
probably not enough time to figure it all out. 

In any case, I know that there is a wealth of experience here.  Most of 
the articles I can find on plowing on the 'net are about 3-pt equipment 
(or snow or mules). 

Right now, I am just playing to learn; eventually, I'd like to plant 
about an acre and a half of garden.  Any advice would be most welcome.  
Any pointers at a useful source of info would welcome, too. 

Assume I know nothing about it--because I know little and remember 
little more about the plowing I've done years before guided by my dad 
and neighbor. 

How can I stop the balling up of the dirt/grass?

Thanks in advance for any guidance!

The "original" Steve Allen

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