[AT] The Happy Farmer Tractor
Doug Tallman
dtallman at accnorwalk.com
Mon Jan 28 08:13:38 PST 2013
I know there was a Happy farmer in southern Ohio but its been years
since I've seen it. Last I saw it was gray though and I'm not sure this
guy would take it to the state fair. Herb, I'll email you off list. Doug
T PS The frame wasn't made of wood on these tractors. Seems like one of
the frame tubes serves as the exhaust/muffler. I've heard teh comment
the farmer didn't know when he was happier. When he got it or when he
got rid of it!
Gene Dotson wrote:
> Herb;
> I recalled an article in Antique Power magazine on the Happy Farmer
> tractor. It was done in 2006 in volume 19 issue 1. I have searched through
> all my magazines for the last 2 hours and cannot find that issue.
> It may be a long shot for the owner he is looking for, but if someone
> can find that issue in their collection, it will likely have the owner of
> the tractor they did the feature on.
> Good luck.
> Gene
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Herb Metz" <metz-h.b at comcast.net>
> To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
> Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 11:16 PM
> Subject: [AT] The Hqppy Farmer Tractor
>> Some fellow with a restored The Happy Farmer Tractor was seen at Ohio
>> State Fair (recently?) by another owner of same make tractor. This
>> tractor was made in 1916 era, is a 3 wheeler with front wheel offset to
>> the right, 2 cylinder kerosene, horizontal engine, paint is dull Allis
>> Chalmers orange. Anyone have any idea of name, address, etc of this
>> exhibitor as the second owner would like to get in contact with the first
>> owner.
>> If someone understands the above, please explain it to me.
>> Seriously, there are very few of this tractor and maybe we can assist in
>> these two owner enthusiasts getting to know each other and learn more
>> about their tractors. I will pass along any information of above to a guy
>> on the Allis Chalmers tractor list.
>> Herb
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