[AT] Starter and Alternator sources

Mike Sloane mikesloane at verizon.net
Tue Jan 8 14:43:06 PST 2013

I wish it was that simple. The problem is that this particular generator 
on a 1961 Case tractor has a gear out the back where the tach drive 
gearbox gets mounted. My local automotive electric shop spent over an 
hour just looking for someone who could sell them the needed parts so he 
could rebuild it. His suppliers couldn't even match up any of the 
numbers in their books. I ended up taking a chance and ordering one from 
Valu-Bilt (now CT Farm & Country). It seems to be OK.


On 1/8/2013 4:52 PM, Dave Rotigel wrote:
> https://www.google.com/search?q=prestolite+generator+sales&aq=1&oq=Prestolite+generator&aqs=chrome.2.57j0l3.6923&sugexp=chrome,mod=19&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 would be a good place to start looking.
> 	Dave
> PS, Ain't Google a great thing?
> On Jan 8, 2013, at 4:29 PM, Mike Sloane wrote:
>> I think it was me, and I was looking for a Prestolite generator for my
>> Case 430CK. That outfit seems to only have generators for some Ford
>> tractors. Thanks anyway.
>> Mike
>> On 1/8/2013 1:24 PM, charlie hill wrote:
>>> Someone here commented recently about having a hard time finding a
>>> particular
>>> starter... or was it an alternator?   At the time I drew a blank on the name
>>> of this outfit
>>> but just remembered it.  I wondered if you tried them.
>>> http://www.dbelectrical.com/

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