[AT] OT carburator
Dave Rotigel
rotigel at me.com
Sun Jan 6 05:45:29 PST 2013
Hi Tyler,
Use the liquid cleaner. The spray in fine if you are not taking the carb apart, but oz. for oz. it is more expensive. It will not hurt anything to soak the parts overnight.
On Jan 6, 2013, at 8:24 AM, Chuck Saunders wrote:
> Don't lose the parts and remember where the parts came from so you can put
> it back together. soak in carb cleaner and scrub with a toothbrush.
> Chuck Saunders
> On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 12:13 AM, Tyler Juranek <tylerpolkaman at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> My grandfather recently gave me an old carburator to take apart and
>> learn how to clean.
>> He said he thinks it was from a truck, but he said it has been sitting
>> in his shed for many years.
>> There is a lot of varnish through out the carb, because you can feel it.
>> I have never disassembled a carb to clean it, and so I just thought I
>> might ask any advice here.
>> I plan on taking the carb out to the shed, and using an old
>> cookiesheet to put the parts I have disassembled on it. Then I plan on
>> getting little butter tubs of some sort so I can put screws in one,
>> bolts in another, etc.
>> Should I use liquid cleaner, or the spray cleaner?
>> When using the liquid cleaner, you take each part off the carb and
>> then dip it into the liquid?
>> How long should I let it sit inside?
>> Thanks for any help!
>> Take care,
>> Tyler J
>> --
>> Check out my youtube channel, and spread the word!
>> http://www.youtube.com/tylerthetechy/
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