[AT] Rocket stove for tractor shop

Steve W. swilliams268 at frontier.com
Sun Dec 22 20:40:08 PST 2013

Andy Glines wrote:
> I've been heating my shop with a standard wood stove for a long time
> and it does a pretty good job.  The stove is equipped with a blower
> and a waste oil drip.  The only thing that I don't like is the smoke
> and wasted heat that goes out the chimney.  I was reading a forum
> about compact diesel tractors and a member there mentioned rocket
> stoves.   They look like a pretty neat idea and I have most of the
> material needed to build one.  Has anyone on this forum ever played
> with rocket stoves?  What are your thoughts on them?  

I looked at them but decided to build a version of a barrel stove like 
this one.

I used two old oil tanks though. One thinner one for an outer shell and 
a thicker one (cut down) for the actual firebox. The firebox itself is 
lined with fire brick. The cavity between the two drums is filled with 
DRY sand. I cheated on the heat tubes and borrowed a tube roller from a 
guy who does boilers and bought the tubing through him as well. I also 
added a water coil heat exchanger.

Steve W.

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