[AT] list
Cecil R Bearden
crbearden at copper.net
Thu Apr 4 21:30:16 PDT 2013
I am just glad to see you guys are still alive and on the list. It has
been so quiet lately that I got lonesome. I remember a few years ago
that I would come home from work in the winter and spend nearly an hour
reading the list postings... At the time it was a well needed rest from
the head games being played at the office.
Now with the internet, there is a youtube video to show you how to do
nearly anything you need to do with an automobile. I looked at one last
fall to replace the heater fan in my wife's mini van.... Also found
where to plug in the trailer brake harness on my chevy truck after the
dealer said there was not one..... I guess we need to do this for the
antique tractors. First, we gotta get some new guys interested in
these old ones...
Cecil in OKla
On 4/4/2013 10:07 PM, Larry Goss wrote:
> Thanks for your comments, Steve. I generated a couple responses to the original post, and then changed my mind and hit the delete button instead.
> Larry
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Steve W. <swilliams268 at frontier.com>
> To: Antique tractor email discussion group <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
> Sent: Thu, 04 Apr 2013 22:30:58 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: Re: [AT] list
> jtchall at nc.rr.com wrote:
>> First let me apologize for sending that to the list, It was supposed to
>> actually go to Charlie Hill, he and I generally discuss forbidden list
>> topics such as current events, politics or any other hot button topic that
>> would start an argument on a public forum. It's amazing we haven't blocked
>> each others email by now given some of the topics we have discussed and have
>> not always been in agreement on!
> No need to apologize. Every now and then the status quo needs to be questioned...
>> Glad to see that those that disagreed with me did it in a civil manner.
>> Likewise those that agreed didn't dump gas on the fire either. Needless to
>> say I am one of the biggest fans of ATIS and would not intentionally do
>> anything to stir up trouble.
>> I get way too much benefit from here to stir up any trouble!
>> I am a member of at least 5 lists/forums. I also frequent a few more when I
>> am searching for information regarding vehicle repair or work related
>> issues. One thing that sort of sticks out when I am reading through various
>> threads (on any list/forum) is when the original poster doesn't say thanks
>> or follow up on the suggestions given. I guess it's just my nature to expect
>> a thank you or see closure to a situation. I'm probably guilty for failing
>> to do this at times. There have been times when I get so much help on a
>> situation that I just try to give a "blanket" thanks to all.
>> John Hall
> I'm on probably 50 different groups similar to ATIS. Some are strictly held to topic and
> others are a free for all. Probably half are help for the DIYer type places where folks
> come with problems and hope to find the answers. I have long gotten used to answering a
> question and never hearing if the solution was correct or if something else worked. It all
> seems to fall back on the person asking the question and their attitude toward others.
> There are some folks who will apologize for "bothering" me with questions and thank me for
> answers before I even reply. They also generally respond once the repair is complete if
> the solution worked or whatever happened.
> Then there are ones who will post on a group, then complain 5 minutes later that "Nobody
> wants to help me" then 5 minutes later start complaining about the list and the people on
> there.
> Some others are just BUSY with life and work and manage to get things working and just
> forget. BTDT before.
> On the technology side it is a double edged item. As far as engine controls, They make the
> engine much more efficient and last longer. BUT the also take FAR more technology and
> training to maintain. The old twist the distributer or open up a jet days are long gone
> for 99% of repairs. You still need the underlying education of engine operation and
> mechanicals but you also need a fair amount of tech training. The current issue is the
> same as folks are talking about. What do you do when the technology fails and the company
> no longer support OR will only support outright swaps of hardware / software.
> As far as ATIS works I think one of the reasons for low posts is actually the success of
> folks passing on their knowledge. Many folks here bought tractors or equipment that was
> broken down, wore out and ready for scrapping and took 40 years to get to that point. They
> then asked and were given the knowledge of how to fix/rebuild items. Now they know how to
> adjust a carb, timing, replace parts or similar. Once you learn this stuff it applies to a
> lot of other brands and equipment and you don't really ask again. Plus the current climate
> seems to be scrap the old and buy new. Many younger folks just don't care about "that old
> green tractor/thing" unless it's worth money.
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