[AT] list and a Ramble about the change of farming and tractors.
Ron Cook
ron at lakeport-1.com
Thu Apr 4 08:41:44 PDT 2013
Boy, you said a mouthful that time! My nephews, one just under and
one just over 30, farm with $300,000 tractors. They think 2-cylinder
hand clutch John Deere tractors should be outlawed by OSHA as an
extremely dangerous piece of equipment. These are the same fellows that
have the satellite radio up loud with an adult beverage in their hand
while zooming across the field not even paying attention to what is
going on. When some monitor tells them things are haywire, They cuss
the manufacturer. Things have gotten completely out of hand. High
grain prices will go away and high land prices will stay for awhile and
those boys will wake up.............maybe. Their big gripe was having
to farm the family farm with tractors and equipment older than they
were. They don't take care of their 4020, so they wouldn't buy your
4010 either......................they would never think of looking under
the porch for eggs.:-) :-)
Ron Cook
Salix, IA
On 4/4/2013 9:30 AM, Cecil R Bearden wrote:
> Charlie:
> If the original poster would let us know what the solution was, then we
> could put that into the "virtual" knowledge base. I wonder what is
> going to happen to this list, as there are not many new guys coming on.
> I look at the TractorBynet forum once in a while, and there is so many
> mistakes being made that I have already experienced. If I do post to
> it, I wonder if I come off as a know it all. That forum also seems
> like it has a lot of guys with late model tractors. Ones that I could
> pick up and stack on top of the hay with my loaders......!! I just have
> not accepted these small tractors yet. My Dad used to say that they
> were good for running around under the house looking for eggs..!!! Dad
> spent a lot of time in the Arkansas Bottoms as a child. I have used
> that expression and got some really weird looks!!
> Back in the 70's when everything was going big big HP, and dealers were
> limit ed on the number of units (rationed) they could get in a year, the
> "experts" said this would create a shortage of tractors in the 20 to 60
> hp range. Boy did they hit that nail on the Head!! The other thing
> that no one envisioned, was these new operators are used to cabs and air
> conditioning. I recently sold a 4010 JD on LPgas, a great utility
> tractor. for $3000. I spent a fortune on advertising trying to sell
> it, and finally went to auction. I could not make these new guys
> understand how to fill an LP tractor. One of the problems, while they
> liked the idea of only spending $2.00 / gallon for fuel, they did not
> want to invest $400 in a tank and then come up with another $400 to fill
> it. They could just go by the local C-store and get 10 gallons of
> Diesel. The other was the lack of a cab. I overheard a lady in her
> 50's ??? talk about mowing with a bush hog for 10 hours and coming in
> covered in dirt and itching for days when you hit a bunch of sticker
> weeds. Here in OK with our 20mph minimum wind, a cab is now standard
> equipment. I guess our old antique tractors of the 60's have really
> become antique!!! I remember when A-C came out with the D21, I wanted
> to get into Farming...!! Now, a large tractor like that is not necessary
> since everything is going to No-till here.....
> I am rambling here while my coffee is getting cold.... I gotta quit
> sitting up watching those old movies. Black & White seems normal to me!!!!
> Cecil in OKla
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