[AT] potato planting

Mike mikesloane at verizon.net
Thu Apr 18 03:42:47 PDT 2013

BT is used frequently in mosquito control - the "dunks" are tossed in a
small pool, tank or other body of water to kill the larva. According to
the FDA, it is safe for use and doesn't need special labeling - you can
buy the dunks at the grocery store, etc.


On 4/18/2013 1:21 AM, charlie hill wrote:
> Bacillus thuringiensis
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacillus_thuringiensis Ralph it's the
> same thing they use to genetically modify Soy Beans and Cotton but it
> used to be available as a garden dust.   I guess it still is.   Back
> in the late 60's and 70's you could buy it in a bag similar to Sevin
> Dust or any other garden pestictide and it was said back then that a
> human or animal could eat the stuff with no harm. I don't know for
> sure if it's still around in that form.  I guess maybe it might not
> be available in Canada.
> Charlie

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