[AT] IH Grain Binder, now corn planting

David Bruce davidbruce at yadtel.net
Sat Oct 6 05:01:30 PDT 2012

I remember something similar back in the day.  Last I saw of them was in 
the 1960's.

In those days rows of corn were about 30" apart.  You could actually 
walk between the rows even when the corn was full grown.  8-12" is the 
norm here these days.


On 10/6/2012 7:31 AM, jtchall at nc.rr.com wrote:
> I've never seen the shucking gloves you guys have mentioned, but I have seen
> and used what dad referred to as a shucking peg (I think). It was a piece of
> sheet metal with one end bent and pointed with a leather loop that would fit
> over 2 or 3 fingers. The 2 we have are only about 20 years old, bought them
> at a now closed hardware/farm supply store.
> Hard to imagine corn planted almost 3 feet apart. Riding by on the highway
> it appears to be planted around 8-12" apart these days.
> John Hall

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