[AT] ATIS members

Ben Wagner supera1948 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 7 18:17:26 PST 2012

Here's one of the younger folks in love with his antique machines!

I think one of the better ways to get my generation involved in antiques 
is to be ready to answer all the stupid questions you have heard for the 
twentieth time.  I know you folks on the list have been exemplary at 
that for me when I worked through my first restoration, and I know you 
still are for others, as well as when I get in a bind!

On another note, I plan to be working with antiques for a long time.  I 
received a reputation as "that guy who works on those old magnetos and 
hand cranked engines" among mechanics and "that guy who bothers me every 
week about Grandpa's tractor behind the barn" among everyone else.  As a 
result, I am starting a small business working on antique equipment, and 
buying/repairing/restoring/selling anything old with an engine I can 
find.  Any advice is still (and will be) greatly appreciated!

Thanks for all your help through the years I have read and asked too 
many questions.  Even though I haven't posted much, reason standing that 
I still think of myself as too inexperienced to talk, I have enjoyed 
quietly learning from all of your knowledge.

If ever anyone is in the Shenandoah Valley of VA, drop by and say hello!

Ben Wagner

On 11/7/2012 9:49 AM, Cecil R Bearden wrote:
> I was looking at Mike Sloane's albums of the atis members.   I feel like
> I know you guys even though we have never met in person.   I just did
> not realize how many years we had been "talking" on this list.   I also
> am concerned about what we are going to do about getting more younger
> folks involved in this hobby or just working with tractors.   I
> personally will have tractors around until I can no longer move.
> However, I have lately gravitated toward my tractors with the cab.  I
> used the 930 Case to sow wheat this time just because I live to drive
> it.  The steering gear started to lock up, I hope I can use the parts
> from the 900 Case I have for parts. Here in OK, thewind is always 15 to
> 25 gusting to 35.  When it is below 50 deg. riding a tractor is cold.
> At 90 deg and upward to 110 as this summer was, that  can dry you out
> real quick.  The cab on the Belarus tractors is good because you can
> open the doors and all the windows.  The NH TS110 just has an air
> conditioner that cools to 60 deg..    With the thoughts of skin cancer
> from sun exposure, I am going to use the cab tractors.
> Cecil in okla
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