[AT] Best of ATIS? ---The D8 story
charlie hill
charliehill at embarqmail.com
Sun May 6 04:48:34 PDT 2012
Looked like a B and a C or CA. There is one more sitting there since I was
there but I can't see it well enough from the highway to tell what it is.
I didn't go over and look at the others. Just saw them from about 50 feet
away. They are in a Salvage yard in Pollocksville, NC.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Greer
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2012 11:14 PM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: Re: [AT] Best of ATIS? ---The D8 story
What model AC's and where are they located? (if you're not buying them)
Mark Greer
----- Original Message -----
Ralph I'm glad it's that way where you are. There are 3 AC's sitting at the
salvage place about 10 miles from me. All of them look fixable to me.
The heaviest one in the bunch weighs about 3000 lbs so someone sold them for
$350.00 or so. Thankfully the guy set them off to the side to try and
resell rather than crushing them. I hope they are still there. I wanted to
bring them home with me but I was there selling stuff I didn't want to part
because I needed the cash so I couldn't buy them. I'm about the same. I
have hopes of restoring some of my AC "fleet" someday but for now I run two
them and use parts from the others to keep them going.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Goff
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2012 11:06 AM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: Re: [AT] Best of ATIS? ---The D8 story
On 5/5/2012 5:39 AM, john hall wrote:
> Charlie, the lists were already split when I joined up and we still got
> more
> traffic than one had time to read. I subscribed to Farmall and ATIS and
> could barely keep up. We had a great mix of Q&A , restoration stories as
> well as stories from back in the day when our old iron was new.
> Unfortunately it seems no one here restores anything and rare is it any of
> us need mechanical help.
I guess I have never been much into restoring my antique tractors. Just
using them and keeping them in working condition. Making a few videos of
them at work for youtube. There are no local shows within driving
distance and I don't have a trailer to transport mine any distance
It seems old tractors have really jumped in price too. I watched a farm
auction online the other day where an old rusty Fordson Major diesel
sold for $2600. It was running but needed work.
I don't think any old tractors are being sold for scrap nowadays.
Ralph in Sask.
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