E. John Puckett ejpuckett at centurytel.net
Mon Mar 5 16:02:15 PST 2012

Looks like a spammer has made it onto the list.

On 3/5/2012 2:26 PM, Richard BROWN wrote:
> http://pearlcliff.com/tomowoor.php?vugygoogleid=74
> The syrup tasted like thin honey laced with hickory smoke, and everybody who worked in the factory secretly spooned it all day long.  The throb-throbof her slow screw working against the breeze was much moreperceptible than when she was going full speed ahead; and thefriction of the wind against the underside of the gas-chamberdrove a series of shallow ripples along it and made a faintflapping sound like, but fainter than, the beating of ripplesunder the stem of a boat  It's jestimagination
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