[AT] Was Texas now "alternative" brand tractors
charlie hill
charliehill at embarqmail.com
Wed Jul 18 14:09:42 PDT 2012
Thanks Alan but I don't have the correct constitution to put up with the bs
required to get elected to even county commissioner even if I thought I
I don't do well with committees and study groups and trying to make everyone
-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Riley
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 2:29 PM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: Re: [AT] Was Texas now "alternative" brand tractors
Charlie, I for one , agree 100% with what you are saying. The old values
that made this country the greatest on earth great simply don't exist in
D.C. any more. New American-built tractors may never plow our fields
Throw your name in the hat Charlie, and I'll vote for you (assuming you
have a birth certificate) :>)
-----Original Message-----
From: charlie hill
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 12:44 PM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: Re: [AT] Was Texas now "alternative" brand tractors
Cecil, it's going to come to a stop one way or the other because the few
folks left that are actually contributing to the economy are going to quit
or go broke. (For those of you that like to read
long novels read Ayn Rand's Novel _Atlas Shrugged_. It was written in the
40's but as you read you'll think it was written last week.) Folks that
work for the government, school teachers,
fire and police officers are ALL NECESSARY elements of society but their tax
dollars DO NOT contribute to the cost of paying all of those that don't
work. The whole mess is going to collapse
and soon if something isn't done. It CAN be fixed. If the government will
roll back regulations, shut down a few agencies, get out of the way and let
people fish, farm, log and dig we CAN put enough folks to work to get out of
this mess but it'll never happen as long dogs can vote for free dog food.
I know some guys that built a small condominium complex about 06 or so. The
place is only about 30 units. They had to deal with 23 state, federal and
local agencies before they could
get the project completed. The economy went flat before they got it
completed and sold and the 3 of them are sitting there today carrying the
cost of the project out of their pockets
except for the few units they managed to sell and a few more they rent out
for less than the cash flow required to support them. That was before the
current administration! Does anyone
think they are going to start another project anytime soon?
Yeah Spencer, I know, I'm over the line on what you want on this list. I'm
sorry but this stuff needs to be said.
-----Original Message-----
From: Cecil R Bearden
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 1:16 PM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: Re: [AT] Was Texas now "alternative" brand tractors
I was visiting with another engineer a few days ago. He is in private
practice retired from city gov't. They needed to extend a box culvert to
widen 2 lanes of traffic. The Army Corps of Environmentalists required
mitigation forr this because the extension of the box culvert was going
to stop sunlight from reaching the area of the creekbed that would be
under the box culvert...
Make sense out of that one. The Environmental Impact statement now is
more than construction cost..... Question is How do we reverse
this?? There ain't no way because the ones we need to get to vote these
idiots out have never had to really work to make a living, so they
expect everything to be given to them. CAll them the entitlement
Cecil in oKla
On 7/18/2012 11:48 AM, charlie hill wrote:
> Mike I doubt if there are ANY tractors built in the USA any longer. Some
> are assembled here I think. Also, I doubt if you find a tractor in the
> 50-60 hp range with FWD or FWA that will be
> any lighter than your 255. There is no need to put a lot of HP in a
> light
> tractor because it can't put the HP to the ground. I suspect that some
> of
> the off brand stuff plays some tricks with their HP ratings by publishing
> engine HP instead of drawbar or PTO HP.
> I read recently that Mahindra is the largest tractor manufacturer in the
> world. I think AGCO claims to sell more tractors than anyone but theirs
> are
> split between several manufacturers.
> As for the big US brands, I think the origin of the tractor depends on the
> size. Smaller ones tend to be Asian, larger ones seem to be European
> these
> days. IF the people we elect to run this country don't wake up and do
> something about unreasonably stringent requirements on industry (safety,
> healthcare, employee benefits, air quality, etc., etc.) there will be
> nothing built
> here anymore. Some one needs to tell those idiots that there are only 4
> ways to create wealth and they all involve exploitation of a resource.
> They
> are fishing, farming, logging and mining/drilling. Everything else is
> value
> added and basically amounts to just trading dollars back and forth. Our
> government is trying to run all these activities off shore in the name of
> the environment, safety and workers rights while the off shore sources we
> are forced to use care nothing about these issues and are spewing
> pollution,
> and exploiting workers every day.
> However, it's not really the politicians fault. It's my fault and your
> fault for not sending these crooked and educated beyond their intelligence
> fools packing.
> Remember that in Nov. and ask yourself it you are better off than you were
> 4
> years ago when gasoline was $1.80 and unemployment peaked out at 7.5% only
> to start steadily rising
> right after election day.
> Ok I'll get off my soap box.
> Charlie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Meulenberg
> Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 12:26 PM
> To: at
> Subject: Re: [AT] Was Texas now "alternative" brand tractors
> This thread caught my interest. I have a Massey Ferguson 255 that I am
> looking to replace. It's a larger framed tractor than I need, and coupled
> with the fact that it's only two wheel drive and has a loader spends most
> of
> it's time getting stuck and making ruts in the pastures. Not to mention
> that
> lately I spend more time working on it than using it. I would like
> something more compact in the 50-60 hp range, with MFWD. I've done a
> little
> research, not a lot, and it appears that almost all tractors in this
> range,
> no matter which color are made overseas with foreign made engines. Are the
> US branded tractors John Deere, Case IH, etc worth the premium or are they
> just rebranded Kioti, Mahindra, Yanmar etc. Feelings and emotions seem to
> get in the way of reason on many discussion boards, and I'd be curious to
> know what you guys think.
> Thanks,
> Mike M
> ----- Receiving the following content -----
> From: Cecil R Bearden
> Receiver: Antique tractor email discussion group
> Time: 2012-07-17, 19:14:55
> Subject: Re: [AT] Texas
> Charlie
> I didn't take it as an insult. Perhaps if someone was in France or
> Spain, we could get some parts for those late model John Deere's!!!
> I like the Belarus because it is reliable. It could use some creature
> comforts, but since the A/C is not working, I just open the windows and
> tie the doors open, and use it.
> I would absolutely bake in my TS110 New holland without the air
> conditioning working. In fact, after a thorough of the A/C evaporator
> in the New Holland, the air works much better, and it uses about 10
> gallons of fuel less per day... I think the evaporator pressure
> remained high due to the air blockage, and the compressor was pumping on
> higher head. The compressor also cycles when it is below 100 deg...
> When I think of all the expense we went to with the worn out American
> tractors we had.. Making do with an after market cab that never had a
> rear window, and Freezing in the winter while feeding cattle. ...
> We could have bought a Belarus in the 90's with a cab and air for less
> than half price of a JD or IH or even a Ford without a cab. But
> instead we listened to the propaganda from the US manufacturers about
> the Russian tractors having bearings that were not round, and shafts
> that would not seal, etc. etc. All the time JD, IH, and Ford were
> making everything offshore, and hiding the fact from the public. I
> remember the hype about us needing to convert to the metric system so we
> could send our products overseas. It was just hype put out by the high
> paid executives in order to send everything offshore so they could get
> paid a thousand times more than they were worth.
> Sorry, about the rant, I just hate thinking how we were tricked into
> believing so much crap about the foreign tractors and equipment when we
> were being sent that same equipment just re-badged as American.....
> Then to prevent Belarus from competing in the US, they changed the
> emissions rules so we had to buy the US badged stuff that used more fuel
> under the guise of being emission compliant. After WWII Eisenhower
> said the worst problem the US had to face was the Military-Industrial
> complex. It took longer than he predicted, but it has happened. The
> Military industrial complex is so big it can buy and sell politicians to
> get anything it wants... All the while te little guy is paying for it....
> Cecil in OKla
> Cecil in OKla
> On 7/17/2012 3:59 PM, charlie hill wrote:
>> LOL ok but I figured you'd have some spares or something you wanted.
>> grins.
>> I wasn't trying to insult your tractor but I guess it might have sounded
>> that way.
>> I just knew you liked Belarus and would be interested in the plant and
>> the
>> possibility
>> of putting your hands on some parts that might be hard to find here.
>> Charlie
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Cecil R Bearden
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 4:27 PM
>> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
>> Subject: Re: [AT] Texas
>> I don't know what parts I would need, the only thing that does not work
>> is the air conditioning that was installed in the US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> Cecil in OKla
>> On 7/17/2012 12:27 PM, charlie hill wrote:
>>> Dennis if Cecil Bearden had known you were going to the Belarus plant he
>>> would probably have wanted you to ship a few parts home...
>>> RIGHT Cecil? I bet that was an interesting trip. Don't they still
>>> pretty
>>> much build stuff with casting and tooling technology like we used here
>>> in
>>> the 50's?
>>> Charlie
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Dennis Johnson
>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 12:58 PM
>>> To: AT at lists.antique-tractor.com
>>> Subject: [AT] Texas
>>> I tried to post a few days ago, but the post failed
>>> I live in Rosenberg (SW Houston) Texas, and have a few project tractors
>>> there.
>>> Spent last week in Minsk, home of the Belarus tractors, and traveling in
>>> Russia this week.
>>> Dennis Johnson
>>> Sent from my iPhone
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