[AT] Easier to Start?
Charlie V
1cdevill at gmail.com
Mon Jul 16 09:47:12 PDT 2012
,Having read all of the good suggestions given so far, I will offer
one more. If Mike Sloan's (Hi Mike) propane suggestion does not help,
how about "borrowing a carburetor from one of your other Farmall A's
and putting it on the problem one. If the gas line is at a different
position on the borrowed carb, borrow the other gas line to go with
it. The time investment will be small compared to what you have
already done. That should tell you once and for all if the 1/2 choke
problem and the hard starting is carb caused. After you prove that it
is, you would need to look to replace that carb with another (used
preferably), or get a good kit for yours, or find a clogged fuel
passage that has been missed so far.. If the problem is not carb
caused, you would at least not waste any more time going down that
Some might ask why mess up a good running tractor for one that runs
poorly. It should not mess up the good running tractor for any longer
that the time needed to change the carb over, test run, and change it
Good luck,
Charlie V.
On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 9:03 PM, Ben Wagner <supera1948 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Good Evening,
> It's been awhile since I have had to bring you an issue on my Farmall
> Super A. It has always been hard to start, taking a long time of
> cranking (normally two periods of three seconds each) before it will
> begin to fire. Lately, the electrical system has acted up, and I am
> trying to start it with a hand crank. It's great exercise, but not the
> greatest use of my time. It took a good 20 some turns with the hand
> crank to get it to start firing tonight. I'm surprised my arm can still
> type!
> Is there any sort of "trick" some of you know of to convince a tractor
> to start easier with a hand crank?
> In case it is important, the Super A has a good magneto, D21 spark
> plugs, and a Zenith carb. It also only runs well on half choke, and
> there are no adjustments on the Zenith beyond the idle mixture. I know
> the impulse coupling works, unless I am mistaken.
> Thanks for your help. I'm sure all of you have had the tractor that
> won't start well with a hand crank!
> Ben Wagner
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