[AT] Are we alive?

Ralph Goff alfg at sasktel.net
Sat Jul 14 12:02:02 PDT 2012

On 7/14/2012 12:35 PM, charlie hill wrote:
> Well on this end we've been riding a wave between pouring ran and cool temps
> for  a few days followed by terrible heat for a few and then repeat.  On top
> of that the mosquitoes have been terrible since early spring.  About the
> only time the mosquitoes stop biting is in the heat of a sunny day.  Even
> they have enough sense to get out of the heat.
Those bugs do spoil a summer Charlie. Surprisingly , with all the water 
and heat we have had, we have hardly any mosquitos compared to a normal 
summer. Makes a nice change. Although there have been more wood ticks 
than I have ever seen before.
New potatos are producing and peas soon ready to pick in the garden. Got 
a little hay cut and baled for the cattle with more to go. Tried the 
Cockshutt 40 on the haybine but soon opted for the dust and pollen free 
environment of the 2090 Case cab. AC helps too.

Ralph in Sask.

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