[AT] Now Ralph Video -- disc brakes

Tom tmartin at xtra.co.nz
Fri Dec 28 13:26:51 PST 2012

--- On Fri, 28/12/12, charlie hill <charliehill at embarqmail.com> wrote:

From: charlie hill <charliehill at embarqmail.com>
Subject: Re: [AT] Now Ralph Video -- disc brakes
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Date: Friday, 28, December, 2012, 1:51 PM

I've toyed with the idea of retrofitting my AC tractors with Disc brakes. 
It seems to me that
the rotors could be located inside the wheel just like they are on a car or 
pickup truck.  The
trick would be to find a rotor of a diameter that could clear and that could 
be modified to fit the
AC wheel bolt pattern.  Then I would need two master cylinders that could be 
actuated by the factory
brake rods, some steel brake lines and some short steel braded brake hoses 
for the connection from the steel
line to the rotor assembly.  It might even be possible to use the tractor 
hydraulics to actuate the brakes.  They
wouldn't be in a high heat situation like car or truck brakes.

Anyone got any thoughts on it?

Charlie Hill

The main problem with wheel mounted brakes is they have to be so much bigger than jackshaft mounted brakes, as they do not benefit from any gear reduction.
Early Fergusons were a prime example of wheel mounted brakes that weren't much chop...


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