[AT] Shop ceiling
Jerry Rhodes
jerry38 at windstream.net
Tue Sep 27 19:50:37 PDT 2011
Don, I used polebarn skin (sheeting) for my ceiling, then used a dry wall
lift an a couple 2x4s to lift the sheets in place. I uaed a Irwin taper
drill to cut the 3/4" holes for the wiring before I put the next sheet in
place. I had the wiring laying in place on the trusses before I started,
good luck
Jerry NW Ohio
----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Bowen" <don.bowen at earthlink.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 10:17 PM
Subject: [AT] Shop ceiling
>I was talking with my builder friend this evening about the next step in
> my shop. It is a pole building that I put up false walls between the 5
> by 5 poles. The walls are 2X4 on 24" centers with roll insulation
> between then covered with 7/16" OSB. For the ceiling I put 2X6 joists
> between the trusses and was planning on covering with the same OSB. THe
> problem soon became obvious. The building is not square, I have 6
> lighting outlets, 4 switched plugs for task lighting, and 4 hanging
> outlets, all would need holes through the OSB so each sheet may be
> lifted two or three times to a 9' 6" ceiling. I had designed a panel
> lift for my engine hoist.
> Then my friend said that many here use tin. He said I could get No 2
> tin and he and I could put it in place in an afternoon. Then I will use
> blown in cellulose insulation. It will make a nice warm shop for these
> mild Ozark winters.
> Any comments on this idea?
> --
> Don Bowen KI6DIU
> http://www.braingarage.com/Dons/Travels/journal/Journal.html
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