[AT] Heirlooms, Tomatoes and Farmalls???
drupert at seanet.com
drupert at seanet.com
Thu Sep 22 23:36:34 PDT 2011
I second Charlie's response Grant. Your' post, with its' numerous
references to antique tractors and to antique farming methods, has got to
be one of the most on-topic posts I can recall ever reading on this site.
It would be a treat to be at your' place watching all those "antiques"
doing real work.
Snohomish, Washington
> Fantastic to hear from a person who lives and enjoys his work, Grant,
> and hopefully ends up with a little profit at the end of the year.
> Keep up the good work. It all sounds truly old fashioned American.
> Charlie V. in WNY
> On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 9:22 PM, Grant Brians
> <sales at heirloom-organic.com> wrote:
>> Last week I was a speaker and exhibitor at the first National Heirloom
>> Vegetable Exposition which was held in Santa Rosa, California. It was
>> really
>> interesting and I enjoyed educating lots of people. The focus was more
>> on
>> gardens than farms (unsurprisingly), but I felt that I helped both other
>> farmers (advising on certain practices people from Virginia, New York
>> and
>> the midwest) and definitely volumes of gardeners. Talking to the
>> Heirloom
>> Rose Gardener ladies and Iris Society people was pretty cool....
>> In the process of dealing with this (and handling sales and other
>> matters for my own farm remotely - the joy of cell phones LOL) I also
>> checked out the area my family is from around Sonoma County and saw some
>> farm machinery. In the process of preparing for my talks we pulled out
>> pictures of when my father and his uncle worked on in the hop harvesting
>> when he was a teenager in the 1940's. The McCormick-Deering T-20 and
>> Caterpillar 22 that they used to pull the hop harvesters (that was what
>> my
>> dad was driving at the time - he was 17 and 18 in the 1946 and 1947
>> seasons)
>> I immediately recognized because they are common today here. I was able
>> to
>> share some local history with people at the show even though I have
>> never
>> lived there....
>> Our Heirloom Tomato harvest finally started! Yes indeed and so did
>> the
>> Cherry Tomatoes and the Shady Lady Tomatoes. So, tomorrow or Friday we
>> will
>> be using the Farmall 100 cultivator tractor to cultivate the last
>> planting
>> of squash, we used the vintage 1930 Ventura Bean Planter to plant Sugar
>> Snap
>> peas today and the 1949 Oliver 77 cultivating tractor this week along
>> with
>> the 2008 John Deere 6430 (105HP) to plant vegetables with and the 1990's
>> Hew
>> Holland, Massey Ferguson and Ford tractors. We keep the heirlooms going!
>> LOL.
>> Grant Brians
>> Hollister,California vegetable, nuts and Fruit farmer
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