[AT] JD 60 Oil Filter
John & Jan Paur
johnjanpaur2 at directcon.net
Fri Jul 22 19:29:20 PDT 2011
Go to Napa, they will sell single filters.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dick Day" <ddss at telebeep.com>
To: "ATIS" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 7:01 PM
Subject: [AT] JD 60 Oil Filter
>I need to change the filter in my '52 JD60 and am only finding JD brand
> elements in 4-packs. By the time I needs another filter, the 60 will be
> at
> my estate sale :)
> It sees less than 10 hours per year of any real use, it's stored in my
> garage so I don't change the oil very often and don't see the need for
> buying a 4-pack. I remember the last time I changed the oil, I bought a
> single filter, not 4 at a time.
> Can anyone give me the part# of the single filter?
> Thanks,
> Dick
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