[AT] Ford NAA

Don Bowen don.bowen at earthlink.net
Sun Jul 17 07:06:28 PDT 2011

On 7/17/2011 7:10 AM, Richard Fink Sr wrote:
> Hi all as always i have a question. i have a 54 ford Naa, question on the 3 point, When i purchased this tractor it had a 5 ft brush hog on it. Most times it would not lift it, justa growl or chatter like noise. i sold the brush hog. Now i thought i would look in to this problem, But empty is works great. Please what am i looking for. I know nothing about 3 point lifts other than they are hyd. BIL says there is a piston under the seat cover that is most often bad replace with new style. All advise is requested.

The NAA is a  post lawsuit design with the lift pump mounted externally 
at the back of the engine.

There are several reasons it will not lift.  No. 1 is the oil level, 
check that first.  I cannot remember off hand if the NAA had an oil 
filter, I do not think so but if it does, clean or replace it.  After 
how many years of sitting outside, who knows what oil has been dumped in 
there, the oil could be very dirty and gunk sitting in the bottom.  
Drain a little of the oil to see how dirty.  Replace the oil with 90 wt 
gear lube, it is not designed for the modern Hytrans fluid.

Next in line is the cylinder.  When it lifts empty and you shut the 
engine off how long does it take for the arms to fall?  The cylinder is 
mounted under the top cover and could have bad O rings or scored walls.  
There are kits to rebuild the O rings and seals of the top cover and new 
and used cylinders are available.  It is not a hard job on those early 
Fords, one person can lift the top cover.

The first step is to get a manual.

Below is a good source for manuals, parts, and help.

For parts

I have been into the lift on the old and new Fords and the Massey 
Ferguson.  I have been into the pump on old Fords and the new Massey 

Don Bowen           KI6DIU

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