[AT] More engine issues

Larry Goss rlgoss at insightbb.com
Thu Jul 14 07:25:26 PDT 2011

IMHO, the D16 is too cold of a plug to use in an engine that isn't being worked pretty hard on a regular basis.  That's the plug that is recommended for my restored "trailer queen" that doesn't get any more work than driving in a Parade of Power.  The plugs would carbon up while idling, so I changed to D21 and no longer have the problem.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ben Wagner" <supera1948 at gmail.com>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Cc: "Farmall/IHC mailing list" <farmall at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 7:12:44 AM
Subject: Re: [AT] More engine issues

Thanks to everyone for their input.   I'll certainly try the D21 spark
plugs, since I do have Autolite plugs in the tractor right now.  Like you
said, it's cheap enough to try.

I was leaning towards a fuel line/carb issue, except that I have just
recently rebuilt the carb.  I may try a good cleaning today, with new spark
plugs, and see what happens.

Ben Wagner

On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 7:09 PM, Dan Glass <dglass at numail.org> wrote:

> I know this is kind of an odd thing, but I have had two farmall A's that
> did the same thing.  The solution in both cases were spark plugs other
> than Champion D21's.  I have friend whose Farmall 130 got stranded in
> the field and he told me that it wouldn't pull its own weight in first
> gear and he said he was going to have to overhaul the engine.  I told
> him about the Champion plugs and he said I was crazy.  I told him I had
> a set in the garage and I would install them just for grins and if it
> didn't help then he hasn't lost anything.  I put in the new set and
> drove it back to the barn in third gear.  He is a believer now.  I
> bought a "wore out" cub lowboy that wouldn't even pull itself up on the
> trailer.  When I was looking it over I noticed it had autolite plugs, I
> pulled them out and put in the champion d21's and I have been using it
> for about 12 years.  Of course, its not the answer to everything but its
> a cheap enough try to check it out.
> On 7/13/2011 4:52 PM, Ben Wagner wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > My 1945 Farmall A has recently had a coat of paint, and I started it up
> > again about a week ago.  It was running great when I was using it this
> > winter.  The day I started it up, it stalled when I tried 1st gear down a
> > hill.  I assumed it was because I hadn't run it in about a month, and
> after
> > I ran it for a few minutes it seemed to work fine.
> >
> > Today, I had it out and was running it for almost a quarter of an hour.
> > Everything was working fine, until I tried road gear.  It stalled again
> > going up a slight hill, and I could barely limp it back in 1st.  It has
> now
> > no power.  It runs fine with no load, but as soon as I try to drive it,
> the
> > engine skips and gasps.  Pulling the choke out even slightly nearly kills
> > it.  I can cut off the engine, and start it back up with no trouble.  But
> as
> > soon as I try to move the tractor, the engine acts like the end is near.
> > I've got plenty of clean fuel in the tank, the gas is on, and the choke
> is
> > all the way in.
> >
> > I hope this makes sense, but feel free to ask me to clarify anything
> unclear
> > as to the circumstances.  Do you have any ideas?
> >
> > Ben Wagner
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