[AT] More engine issues

Ben Wagner supera1948 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 13:52:49 PDT 2011

Hi everyone,

My 1945 Farmall A has recently had a coat of paint, and I started it up
again about a week ago.  It was running great when I was using it this
winter.  The day I started it up, it stalled when I tried 1st gear down a
hill.  I assumed it was because I hadn't run it in about a month, and after
I ran it for a few minutes it seemed to work fine.

Today, I had it out and was running it for almost a quarter of an hour.
Everything was working fine, until I tried road gear.  It stalled again
going up a slight hill, and I could barely limp it back in 1st.  It has now
no power.  It runs fine with no load, but as soon as I try to drive it, the
engine skips and gasps.  Pulling the choke out even slightly nearly kills
it.  I can cut off the engine, and start it back up with no trouble.  But as
soon as I try to move the tractor, the engine acts like the end is near.
I've got plenty of clean fuel in the tank, the gas is on, and the choke is
all the way in.

I hope this makes sense, but feel free to ask me to clarify anything unclear
as to the circumstances.  Do you have any ideas?

Ben Wagner

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