[AT] OT: Chevy Chevette (was Re: Yellow Farmall now coldstarting
charlie hill
charliehill at embarqmail.com
Mon Jan 3 09:03:37 PST 2011
Larry, Mine didn't come with any tools besides a lug wrench.
-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Goss
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 11:34 AM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: Re: [AT] OT: Chevy Chevette (was Re: Yellow Farmall now
When I was car shopping around 1980, I looked briefly at the Chevette. It
was the only car "in its class" that came with a factory-issued set of
tools. And then it hit me -- What are they trying to tell me here?
----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Sloane <mikesloane at verizon.net>
Date: Monday, January 3, 2011 10:28
Subject: [AT] OT: Chevy Chevette (was Re: Yellow Farmall now cold starting
To: Antique tractor email discussion group <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
> I don't know about your terrain, but when I worked for NJ Bell
> back
> about then, we quickly found out that a Chevette with auto
> transmission
> and 4 people in the car wouldn't make it up the steep hills.
> Drivers had
> to either plan different routes or drop off two people, top the
> hill,
> discharge the passenger, and then go back to fetch the other
> two! For a
> single driver just going around town they were OK but taking
> them out on
> the Interstates was always a challenge. When there were
> Chevettes in the
> vehicle pools, employees would cheat, bribe, and lie to avoid
> having to
> take one out. Bell used to keep cars and trucks almost forever,
> but the
> Chevettes' life cycle was the shortest I ever saw. :-) That is
> not to
> say that the other cars Bell bought were perfect - there were
> Chevy
> Vega's that died on the side of the road, Ford Pinto's, Rambler
> American's, and some other rolling disasters that time has
> kindly erased
> from my memory. And people wonder why the Japanese car companies
> ended
> up with 55% US market share after a while...
> Mike
> On 1/3/2011 8:36 AM, charlie hill wrote:
> > That should have read '80 Chevette.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: charlie hill
> > Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 8:10 AM
> > To: Antique tractor email discussion group
> > Subject: Re: [AT] Yellow Farmall now cold starting
> >
> > Rob I had an 8- Chevette. It was the standard gasoline
> version, 2 door and
> > stripped down. I bought it to commute to a construction
> project. People
> > laugh at them but that was one tough little car. I
> hauled 3 other guys with
> > me every day. All but one of us over 200 lbs and a lot
> of times we had
> > heavy tool boxes in the back. It wasn't unusual for
> someone to be late
> > coming out of the house and I'd have to hustle because if you
> didn't get
> > through the "brass" gate by 7 am you had to go back home and
> miss a day of
> > work. It would cruise along at 80 mph or better with all
> that load and
> > never complained.
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