[AT] Spam> Ohio Weather;
Richard Fink Sr
rfinksr at verizon.net
Sat Jan 1 12:08:47 PST 2011
That don't sound like any fun at all Charlie. I don't drive that much any
more just no fun for me. I have a big year if i get 1000 miles on my truck.
Wife likes to drive so i ride shot gun. But she won't drive the truck with
trailer and two tractors on. [tractor reference]
R Fink
----- Original Message -----
From: "charlie hill" <charliehill at embarqmail.com>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2011 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: [AT] Spam> Ohio Weather;
> Richard, I drove home from Hagerstown MD last sunday. We started out in
> cold but dry conditions and it stayed that way pretty much all the way to
> Fredericksburg VA. Between there and Richmond it turned to a snowy fog
> with
> some slush on the road that continually got worse as we went south. By
> the
> time we got to Petersburg VA I had my tuck in Auto 4 wd. It stayed there
> and was some times necessary all the way to Rocky Mount NC. By then it
> was
> getting dark and I was getting off of I-95 onto lesser traveled 4 lane
> roads. At that point it was I was locked into 4WD and stayed that way all
> the way home for the last 100 miles or so.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Fink Sr
> Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2011 11:01 AM
> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
> Subject: Re: [AT] Spam> Ohio Weather;
> Charlie i have a brother in NC he told me about your snow.And cold. I bet
> farmer is cutting grass in Indiana from what they have said about the
> weaher
> there.
> R Fink
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "charlie hill" <charliehill at embarqmail.com>
> To: "Antique tractor email discussion group"
> <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
> Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2011 8:34 AM
> Subject: Re: [AT] Spam> Ohio Weather;
>> John, I hope your wheat comes up but I'm a bit worried about everything
>> else. We've had a freezing cold spell and some snow. That's as much
>> winter
>> as the plants and trees down this way are used to and
>> as soon as we have a warm day, like today is supposed to be, everything
>> is
>> going to bud out. Fruit trees, grape vines, flowers, bulbs, etc. are all
>> going to think it's spring. I'm just hoping this is all of the cold
>> weather
>> for this year. Supposedly this was the second coldest December ever
>> recorded in NC. When ever the coldest was must have been before 1950
>> because I sure don't remember it.
>> Charlie
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: john hall
>> Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:58 AM
>> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
>> Subject: Re: [AT] Spam> Ohio Weather;
>> That warm air has reached us as well. We've had 4 measurable snowfalls
>> this
>> month, I never remember that happening in Dec., maybe only 1 other time
>> in
>> Jan. or Feb. The entire month was really cold and windy. Yesterday it
>> warmed
>> up into the 60's and melted most of the snow. I've got one late planted
>> field of wheat that I don't know if it will ever come up thick enough to
>> make a stand. The next few days of warm air will help tell the tale if
>> this
>> field will amount to anything. All of the fields need some warm air and
>> sunshine.
>> John Hall
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Gene Dotson" <gdotsly at watchtv.net>
>> To: "Antique tractor email discussion group"
>> <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>> Sent: Friday, December 31, 2010 9:37 PM
>> Subject: [AT] Spam> Ohio Weather;
>>> Reading Ralph's posts with -15 degrees and saturated unfrozen soil
>>> made
>>> me think of the contrasting weather we are having in Ohio. Our soil was
>>> still very dry going into winter. Got about 5 inches of snow between
>>> Dec.12
>>> and 20. Weather was below freezing the whole time so the snow stayed on
>>> till
>>> a couple days ago. Last 2 days was in the mid to high 50's with brisk
>>> south
>>> wind blowing. With the warm weather and wind, there is very little water
>>> on
>>> the ground. Was a little muddy this morning but dried up this afternoon.
>>> Walked my airstrip and it is dry and solid. Can probably drive a tractor
>>> across the fall plowed ground.
>>> 9:30pm here and still 55 degrees.
>>> Gene
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