[Ford-ferguson] Cadmium plating look a like alternative

Mike Sloane mikesloane at verizon.net
Sun Jan 30 06:52:43 PST 2011

Take a look at: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQcT8TXeQOM>. This is a
video showing how to apply the Eastwood product that emulates the
original cadmium plating on metal surfaces. <www.eastwood.com>

I don't know if the tanks were originally cadmium plated, galvanized, or 
just painted. For myself, I would just clean it up and hit it with some 
aluminum paint, followed by some kind of clear flat finish.


On 1/30/2011 9:30 AM, russgman at aol.com wrote:
> I'm replacing the timing gear on my 8N and while I have the hood off
> I'm planning on painting it.  I would also like to get the gas tank
> back to the original look just because.  From what I've been able to
> find these tanks were not originally painted, they were cadmium
> plated.  I assume the plating is under the current layer of light
> grey paint. Was the original cadmium plating a silver/aluminum
> looking like zinc plating or a goldish bronze color?  And more how
> can a shade tree sorta guy get that look back?

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