[AT] Battery Cable Lug question

Dave Rotigel rotigel at me.com
Thu Aug 11 11:46:54 PDT 2011

I could be wrong, but I suspect the bolt is brass (or copper plated),  
not copper. See: http://www.mcmaster.com/#brass-hex-head-cap-screws/ 
=dkqbc6 In any event, any steel bolt will do just fine and although  
copper or brass is a better conductor of electricity you will notice  
no difference if you use a steel bolt. The grade of the bolt will make  
no difference.

On Aug 11, 2011, at 2:19 PM, jahaze at aol.com wrote:

> I will describe this the best way I can.  On my winch there is a  
> copper bolt that attaches to the positive battery cable on the  
> outside of a plastic housing.  The bolt goes through the houseing  
> and has another cable attached on the inside that connects to the  
> solinoid.  I am trying to add another cable to the ouside of the  
> housing so I have a power supply from both an on-board battery, and  
> from some quick disconnect cables attached to my truck battery.
> My problem is the lug does not extend far enough outside the plastic  
> housing for me to attach two cables to it.  I was trying to find a  
> longer copper (brass?) bolt and have been unsuccessful.  I was told  
> by the hardware store that any old bolt would work, as long as it  
> was long enough.  Will a grade 5 bolt transmit electricity as well  
> as a copper bolt?  Or should I continue my quest for a longer copper  
> bolt?  Any thoughts you can give me would be great.  What I was  
> looking for was a 2" copper bolt to use in place of the 1 1/2" bolt  
> on there now.
> Enjoy, Joe

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