[AT] Allis Chalmers B Question
john hall
jtchall at nc.rr.com
Sat Apr 2 04:32:22 PDT 2011
I haven't followed all of this thread so I'll add my $.02 with apologies
regarding any info that I am repeating. You mention the plugs are firing,
that is no sign the mag is hot enough. Any magneto should be able to fire
the spark across a 1/4" gap. That is considered a minimum--a lot of "newer"
mags can hold 3/8-7/16 of spark. Take an old spark plug and open up the
spark gap wide (no more than a 1/4"--try in increments of 1/16") can and see
if the mag can jump that gap.
I missed your original post so I am not certain about what suggestions to
throw out. Is this a running tractor that now refuses to crank or is this a
machine that has been taken all apart for a rebuild. If it was a running
machine, I'd just think you have lost fire or fuel, can't see it being much
else unless it has been sitting for many years and the compression is low.
If it is a rebuild project, the list of re-assembly errors is long.
If you don't get it cranked, re-post some background info on the machine
(I've already dumped the old posts).
Good Luck,
John Hall
----- Original Message -----
From: <Recentjester at aol.com>
To: <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2011 12:11 AM
Subject: Re: [AT] Allis Chalmers B Question
> plug is dry it is overhead valve an it is pullin a vacumn on my hand at
> the carb throat. gas is runnin out the carb. Valves are all moving fine.
> grounded plug with it out of the hole nice blue spark (an on all the rest
> as
> they go around, I checked them all) I am on compression stroke felt the
> pressure an both intake and exhaust are both closed on #1 #4 is on
> exhaust. not
> even a pop an tried ether.
> In a message dated 4/1/2011 5:33:31 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
> 1cdevill at gmail.com writes:
> On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 4:33 PM, <Recentjester at aol.com> wrote:
>> Welllll I been crankin this allis B to no avail. I even tried ether no
> pop
>> even. The mag is set so that It clicks on #1 while the FIRE line is in
> the
>> middle of the timing hole on the flywheel. fireing order is correct
>> vales
>> are set correctly 0.10 loose have gas to carb an its clean. I have never
>> cranked one before an must confess I am maybe erring on the side of
> caution.
>> Have an old Harlie an have been kicked.
> Back to basics my friend.
> Remove #1 plug. Is it wet or dry??
> Wet- No spark or just flooded.
> Dry- find out why fuel is not drawing into the cylinder.
> Ground the plug base and crank the engine to verify spark at the plug
> tip.
> Disable the other three plugs. Crank the engine with finger on #1
> plug hole until you feel compression building. Make sure mag snaps at
> the top of that stroke to confirm it is not 180 degrees out.
> Good luck.
> Charlie V.
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