[AT] Portland report
Gene Dotson
gdotsly at watchtv.net
Mon Sep 6 19:15:56 PDT 2010
Thanks for posting this. It will go a long ways to define the atmosphere
and comaraderie of the Tri-State show at Portland, Indiana. This is
definately not a show to attend for one day and make a fair judgment of the
We, who get there 3 or 4 days before the official show starts, are free
to wander the grounds at our own pace, get to know other exhibitors and club
officials on a first name basis and volunteer our services to help with the
show. A good firewood supply from the sawmill slabs that we helped to saw
sure makes a nice atmosphere with a few brews around the campsite fire late
into the evening. Evenings out for group dinners is always a time for
getting better acquainted with everyone.
Coming from a big family, I know what a large family reunion is like. (4
day affair for our family). Portland is like that with a tractor show in the
background. The people are what makes the show.
Thanks again Spencer for making this all possible through the A.T.I.S.
sites and forums.
Gene Dotson
----- Original Message -----
From: "Spencer Yost" <yostsw at atis.net>
To: <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>; "Antique tractor email discussion
group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 05, 2010 9:35 PM
Subject: [AT] Portland report
> Where do I even start? The show was great, the weather was great and
> most amazingly - THE BALL RUNS! Between my ignorance and bum arm, I
> absolutely would not even have come close to getting this thing to start
> without the generous help of a bunch of people. So let me start this
> message by thanking them:
> Brice Adams - Stalwart friend and full-time Ball mechanic that did not
> let up for a minute helping me with the engine. He literally spent
> hours every day helping me.
> Devin Holland - Its great to have a teenager to help with the tough
> jobs(and he helped with that too), but Devin is more than that. He is
> delightful bright young man that knows more about old engines than I
> do!(I hope I spelled your first name right???). He helped for hours
> every day too.
> Curtis Holland - He provided a lot of help and guidance, especially
> during bearing shimming.
> Steve Weber - Oilfield engine engineer extraordinaire who was able to
> operate the engine so well the engine popped and ran almost immediately
> on its first firing and later taught me to run this engine.
> Keith Kinney - Another engine guru that helped at every turn and
> provided all manner of help and guidance and starting assistance (and
> tool rental (-: )
> Steve Sewell and Tim Brown - Without these two guys letting me borrow
> their golf carts, I would have wasted hours walking to and fro in the
> swap area and to downtown Portland
> SEL engine list members: Just about everyone in the engine area helped
> in one way or another - Arnie provided tools, Dave gave me some supplies
> and advice, several lent strong arms to provide starting power (Luke
> Tonnenberger deserves special mention here) and more. Thank you folks
> AT tractor folks - Gene Dotson constantly checked in and provided moral
> support. Several helped to locate items in the swap area and the rest
> provided generous and wise counsel (and beer!)
> Tri-state: For providing such a great show and the propane.
> Ackers - Taylor Plumbing, Portland IN - They cheerfully and quickly
> ordered pipe and fittings and threaded custom length pipe for me.
> In other words, this was a group effort and represents the best of what
> technology and the Internet can do. I thank all of you from the bottom
> of my heart and hope to see all of you next year. Here is a quick
> video of it running Friday night. I am working on long video that
> Brice took, but the video is way too large for You-tube and my web site
> and will get that to you folks as soon as I can manage to figure out how
> to edit it.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6Vw9OpXLNo
> With very warm regards,
> Spencer Yost
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