[AT] they're cute but be careful...

David Rotigel rotigel at me.com
Sat Oct 30 15:48:09 PDT 2010

Holy CRAP Batman! I sure hope that this turns out OK for you Dick!

On Oct 30, 2010, at 5:56 PM, Dick Day wrote:

> I am not a good typist when using both hands, using 1 hand is a real
> challenge :)
> i was bitten by a cat, yes a cat, thursday night, the 14th .  my  
> wife Debbie
> and I
> both received many, many scratches and a few bites. Luckily, deb's  
> bite did
> not become infected. in my case, infection set in where the cat bit  
> the
> knuckle of the index finger on my left hand.
> i saw the doctor friday morn. and started taking antibiotics  
> immediately.
> unfortunately, it got worse throughout the day and I was admitted to  
> the
> hospital here in norfolk that night.
> i'd like to tell you that the cat was about the size of a small  
> toyota.
> however, this little fur ball weighs maybe 6 lbs, tops.  not her  
> fault, at
> all, totally our carelessness was to blame.
> They operated on me Saturday morning, the 16th. The surgeon opened  
> up the
> finger as well as the area behind the knuckles, cleaned it out and  
> repaired
> as much damage as he could. There may be more operations down the  
> road, not
> sure yet.  amputation of the index finger is a real possibility if  
> things
> don't improve.
> I got home at 3pm thursday the 21st.   I have a catheter inserted  
> that runs
> through my arm, across my chest and into my heart. this will allow  
> me to
> keep the antibiotics flowing for at least the next 3 to 6 weeks  
> which will
> allow
> me to remain out of the hospital. they say that pills cannot get  
> this drug
> into the system fast enough.
> In reading the surgeon's post-op notes, the following really caught my
> eye...
> "This is a potentially devastating infection of his hand. This is a  
> cat
> bite, which puts him at risk for a poor outcome including amputation  
> of his
> index finger and/or the need for multiple operations."
> again, it was not the cat's fault, she's a sweetie and hopefully  
> will find a
> home on a farm somewhere. I am amazed by how many people tell me  
> that their
> cat bites them all of the time and they never gave it a thought. The  
> ones
> who saw my hand cringed at the thought of their hand looking like  
> this.  At
> one point, my left hand barely resembled a human hand.
> I had my first occupational therapy session friday to determine the  
> amount
> of mobility in this hand.  wrist movement is pretty darn good.   the  
> other
> fingers, have very little movement. the index finger does not move  
> at all.
> The point of this email is to make sure that atis members are aware  
> of the
> dangers
> of a cat bite, even playful ones.   I am told that cats carry an  
> enzyme that
> is only found in the mouth of a cat and this is what puts cat bites  
> at the
> top of the "dangerous animal bite" list.
> dick day
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