[AT] Draglines etc.

Dave Merchant kosh at ncweb.com
Tue Nov 23 13:23:27 PST 2010

The Bantam + B-E are 2 fundamentally different designs.

Bantam (as shown in literature) is a single-shaft machine, ie both drums
next to each other on a single shaft, like Manitowoc.

B-E's are all 2 shaft machines, the 2 drums mounted on separate shafts, 
counter rotating.

The single shaft design is very compact, but crowded to work on,
although Manitowoc used the compactness to provide a dance floor
between the engine + draw works, nice to work on.

The 2 shaft design has advantages in working access, and the counter
rotating shafts allow 2-direction drive when required via a roller chain,
as the crowd/rehaul on a shovel, or hoist-drag interlock on a dragline.

Visually, B-E is more styled, with curved window openings and
compound curves at the upper rear of the cab.

Bantam is all straight sheet metal, not as stylish, but good machines.

Some single shaft machines:  Bantam, Manitowoc, Marion, Lorain
(at least the early ones).  There may be exceptions.

Some 2 shaft machines:  B-E, Northwest, Insley.

Here are the innards of the first Manitowoc design:

Dave Merchant

Dave Merchant
kosh at nesys.com
dmerchant at layerzero.com

YouTube: SteamCrane

"I've just completed Mike's Nature trick of adding in the real temps
to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards)
and from 1961 for Keith's to hide the decline."
         - Prof. Phil Jones
         - Director, Climatic Research Unit
         - School of Environmental Sciences
         - University of East Anglia
         - Norwich, UK
         - To: Michael Mann, Raymond Bradley, Malcolm Hughes

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